Title: two instances on same box (Suse Linux ES 8)
Hi Helmut,
when you do switch user
su - newuser
use the "-" it will run the .profile of that user, I assume your problem is because the env variables.
Otherwise (or) you can open a new telnet windows to startup the other database?
btw if you only have one owner (DBA group) then only few variables you need to change:
for example:
--- below here are static ----
Make user you reuse the ORACLE_HOME
LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib             <- i forgot the variable name
-----Original Message-----
From: Daiminger, Helmut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 22 September 2003 17:55
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: two instances on same box (Suse Linux ES 8)


We are running 2 Oracle instances on one Suse Linux box (under the same Unix oracle user).

We have two oracle homes
9.0.1 (/opt/oracle/iasdb)
9.2.0 (/opt/oracle/loga)

The first instance starts up fine, but the second one fails. It seems to me that switching the environments fails.

How do I switch between environments? ORAENV and dbhome don't work too well.

oratab looks fine.

Does anybody have experience with multiple instance on Linux (especially Suse). not sure whether Red Hat is similar...

This is 9i on Suse Linux Enterprise Server 8.


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