
I recall a similar scenario some months ago. It had to do with the average row size 
(quite large) and the block size. The average row size was just under 1/2 of the block 
size, so the chances of a new row finding a spot in an existing block was slim. Add in 
that there is a limit (5 I think) of blocks on the freelist that a transaction will 
attempt to allocate space in before it says "I can't find a block with enough free 
space so I'm going to
allocate a new extent.". I think we looked at dba_tables.avg_row_len and 
dba_tables.avg_space_freelist_blocks. (?) A quick calculation (1048576k /200000) 
indicates that your average row length is over 5k. If you have 8k blocks, this means 
an average of 1 row per block (perhaps less depending on the variance in row length).

Daniel Fink

"Kaing, Leng" wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Env:, SunOs 5.8 64 Bit
> We seem to hitting bug 1262161. The bug seems to imply that tables with triggers 
> behind them do not reuse blocks on the freelist. We have a table that should only 
> use 1G (num_rows * avg_row_len), but is actually using 4.1G and growing in size!! It 
> is subject to high inserts, deletes and updates. But the resultant number of rows is 
> around 200K rows. The insert is just a normal insert, no APPEND hint is used. 
> Updates do not really expand the rows.
> We've changed PCTUSED from 40 to 70 to no avail. The table does not seem to reuse 
> the deleted space.
> In trying to prove this error in our environment I've created 5 test scenarios but 
> was never able to reproduce the problem. It only exists on our production database. 
> I'm stumped. Has anyone encountered this problem?
> Or can someone explain to me why our production database is not reusing the space 
> deleted and placed back on the free list? I should also add that the table in 
> question is a master table of a snapshot.
> TIA,
> Leng.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Leng Kaing
> Phone: +61-3-9203-7589
> Mobile: +61-417-371-348
org:Sun Microsystems, Inc.
title:Lead, Database Services
fn:Daniel  W. Fink

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