-- There are two rules
-- Rule 1 has one test
-- Rule 2 has two tests that should be evaluated to TRUE
drop table test_vertical;
create table test_vertical (m_id number,col1 varchar2(100), col2

insert into test_vertical values (1 ,'apple', 'orange');
insert into test_vertical values (1 ,'mango', 'banana');
insert into test_vertical values (1 ,'grape', 'pineapple');
insert into test_vertical values (2 ,'mango', 'banana');
insert into test_vertical values (2 ,'guava', 'lemon');

-- This tells you which rule and test was passed by each id
    select m_id, 
       case when col1 = 'banana' 
            then 1               -- test 1 in rule 1
            when col1 = 'mango'  and col2 = 'banana' 
            then 1               -- test 1 in rule 2
            when col1 = 'grape'  and col2 = 'pineapple' 
            then 2               -- test 2 in rule 2
            else null
           end                 as test_num,
       case when col1 = 'banana' 
            then 1               -- rule 1
            when col1 = 'mango'  and col2 = 'banana' 
            then 2               -- rule 2
            when col1 = 'grape'  and col2 = 'pineapple' 
            then 2               -- rule 2
            else null
           end                 as rule_num
      from test_vertical;
-- Could be used to filter id's that don't meet the conditions
select m_id, rule_num
 from (select m_id, 
        case when col1 = 'banana' 
             then 1               -- test 1 in rule 1
             when col1 = 'mango'  and col2 = 'banana' 
             then 1               -- test 1 in rule 2
             when col1 = 'grape'  and col2 = 'pineapple' 
             then 2               -- test 2 in rule 2
             else null
            end                 as test_num,
        case when col1 = 'banana' 
             then 1               -- rule 1
             when col1 = 'mango'  and col2 = 'banana' 
             then 2               -- rule 2
             when col1 = 'grape'  and col2 = 'pineapple' 
             then 2               -- rule 2
             else null
            end                 as rule_num
        from test_vertical)  
 group by m_id, rule_num
 having count(distinct test_num) = decode(rule_num,1,1,2,2,null);

-- Now we can get the data
select * 
 from test_vertical
 where (m_id,case when col1 = 'banana' 
                  then 1               -- rule 1
                  when col1 = 'mango'  and col2 = 'banana' 
                  then 2               -- rule 2
                  when col1 = 'grape'  and col2 = 'pineapple' 
                  then 2               -- rule 2
                  else null
                 end) in (
select m_id, rule_num
 from (select m_id, 
        case when col1 = 'banana' 
             then 1               -- test 1 in rule 1
             when col1 = 'mango'  and col2 = 'banana' 
             then 1               -- test 1 in rule 2
             when col1 = 'grape'  and col2 = 'pineapple' 
             then 2               -- test 2 in rule 2
             else null
            end                 as test_num,
        case when col1 = 'banana' 
             then 1               -- rule 1
             when col1 = 'mango'  and col2 = 'banana' 
             then 2               -- rule 2
             when col1 = 'grape'  and col2 = 'pineapple' 
             then 2               -- rule 2
             else null
            end                 as rule_num
        from test_vertical)  
 group by m_id, rule_num
 having count(distinct test_num) = decode(rule_num,1,1,2,2,null))



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 9:29 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

I have a table that I would like to perform a vertical search on. For eg.

Table X
ID        COL1     COL2
1         apple     orange
1         mango   banana
1         grape     pineapple
2         mango   banana
2         guava     lemon

I would like to display records that meet the following criteria for *a 
particular ID*.

(COL1=mango and COL2=banana
COL1=grape and COL2=pineapple

The output should be
ID   COL1    COL2
1    mango   banana
1    grape    pineapple

It should not display
ID   COL1    COL2
2    mango   banana

since ID=2 did not meet the criteria where COL1=grape and COL2=pineapple.

I tried the following SQL but the output is always zero because COL1 can 
never be a mango and a grape and COL2 can never be a
banana and a pineapple at the same time for a particular ID.

select ID, col1, col2
from   tableX
where  (col1='banana')
or     ((col1='mango' and col2='banana')
        (col1='grape' and col2='pineapple')

Any idea how I can do a vertical search on the table.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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