
Excellent testing approach!  Thanks so much!  I'll try it...


on 10/3/03 6:50 AM, Richard Foote at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> Good questions.
> As you mention, the memory Oracle "says and thinks" it's released and what
> it "actually" releases to the kernel has generally been two different
> things. However, the behaviour with P_A_T is somewhat different. A simple
> little test for the unconvinced is to simply issue (this btw is on Tru64,
> 5.1):
> ls -l /proc/1685047
> where 1685047 is a process id of interest. It lists the sum of all memory
> structures associated to the process, the whole lot. With
> workarea_size_policy left at manual, listing this before any significant
> (say) sort activity and then afterwards, you'll see the amount of total
> memory climb but not come down . This extra memory is effectively "hogged"
> until the session closes as you describe.
> However when you run the same test with work_area_size set to auto, you'll
> notice the total memory climb during the workarea operation but importantly
> come back down again once complete (except for a little memory leak here or
> there). The point is though that the memory is being released and is no
> longer associated with the process.
> Our extra 2G of available memory on the O/S level suggests that memory is
> being more than efficiently reused.
> I'm not entirely sure how Oracle differs in it's implementation and what new
> O/S calls it performs (far from being obscure, it's certainly something
> worth an investigating).
> What I would certainly recommend is that one check out this new feature, see
> how it performs in one's environment and under one's particular workload
> conditions and determine whether or not it's beneficial.
> Maybe others have similar real life experiences to share ?
> Cheers
> Richard Foote
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 3:44 AM
> Richard,
> Thanks for the detailed explanation!
> As a "C" programmer of some 20 years, I can only assume that Oracle has done
> away with the use of the "malloc()", "free()", etc UNIX library calls and is
> now calling the UNIX system call "brk()" directly?
> It was the underlying heap-extent management in the standard "malloc"
> library, which is of course outside of Oracle's control, which made the
> SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE parameter largely ineffective for deallocating
> workarea memory back to the OS.
> Because if Oracle is continuing to call "malloc()" and "free()", then I can
> only say that the Oracle RDBMS certainly *thinks* it is releasing memory (as
> it did in the past), but it really isn't.
> Any idea if this is the case?  Kind of obscure, I know, but it is this chain
> of reasoning that has allowed a reasonable explanation of the
> ineffectiveness of the SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE parameter in performing its
> documented purpose in the past.
> Thanks in advance!
> -Tim
> on 9/30/03 6:49 AM, Richard Foote at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> I would suggest there are two key advantages to using automatic workspace
>> management.
>> The first and perhaps most important is that yes, unlike the manual method
>> by which sessions "cling" onto memory, automatic workspace management can
>> deallocate the tuneable portion of the PGAs (those previously set with
>> *_AREA_SIZE parameters) when no longer required. This means that the
> overall
>> memory consumption used during peak periods (when memory is possibly a
>> problem) is likely to be less as the average memory used per session is
>> likely to be lower due to this deallocation process (although it does
>> somewhat depend on both the size and concurrency of these operations). On
> a
>> key production database at my current site, the vast majority of the
>> 1000-1200 sessions are sitting with moderate pga_alloc_mem (1/2M) despite
>> most having a substantially larger pga_max_mem due to previous workspace
>> activity (as evidenced in v$process). This overall reduction in memory
>> consumption is measurable at between 1-2G which for us was significant as
> we
>> were pushing our memory limit previously.
>> Secondly, as memory is more effectively returned, Oracle/we can be both
> more
>> generous and more flexible in how much memory each session "temporarily"
>> consumes. With manual tuning, after setting the (say) SAS to (say) 10M,
> what
>> if a session wanted 11M, or 50M, or 150M etc ? Although as you suggest
> there
>> are quotas in how much a particular session can consume depending on
>> workload (eg. 5% limit for serial operations, etc.), the maximum memory
> that
>> can be "safely" consumed by a session could be somewhat higher. If too
> many
>> operations require a onepass/multipass executions, then the P_A_T should
>> obviously be reviewed. However although the P_A_T setting kinda provides a
>> safety net for memory consumption, if you have few concurrent, largish
>> workarea operations, you could set the P_A_T to be somewhat higher than
>> perhaps desirable (if reached) knowing it won't in fact be reached because
>> of the low concurrency of these operations. This then increases the
> maximum
>> memory capacity for each session in a controlled manner, knowing that this
>> memory won't be hogged by the sessions. As I mentioned before, we now
>> experience no disks sorts whatsoever.
>> In our environment, automatic workspace management has been ideal. We have
> a
>> large number of sessions most of which perform workspace operations at
> some
>> stage but not concurrently in any significant numbers. Thereby, we have
>> managed to both improve the efficiency of workspace operations by allowing
>> sessions to acquire the necessary memory as required while at the same
> time
>> dramatically reducing overall memory consumption.
>> Best of both worlds !!
>> Cheers
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 7:39 AM
>> Richard,
>> I take it that your two points are...shall we say...enhancement requests,
>> not current functionality?  :-)
>> Following up on the discussion of "space-efficiency" and tabling (for the
>> moment) my questions about the "performance-efficiency" side of things.
>> Yes, there certainly is an element of "performance-efficiency" to
>> "space-efficiency" if it keeps you from swapping...
>> ..anyway...
>> Using WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY = MANUAL, only the sort workarea has ever even
>> pretended to give memory back for the duration of the session, depending
> on
>> the relationship between SORT_AREA_SIZE and SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE.  The
>> hash and bitmap workareas have never had this functionality, as near as I
>> can tell.
>> So, I think that you're absolutely correct that sessions using
>> WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY = MANUAL will allocate the memory and hold onto it
> for
>> a long time, essentially until they disconnect.  Is this correct?
>> Is WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY = AUTO any different?  From what I've gathered,
> the
>> P_A_T algorithms only occur upon allocation of workarea memory.  Is there
>> any additional logic around de-allocation, possibly when the server
> process
>> has finished using the workarea?  Perhaps there is logic to de-allocate
>> before beginning another operation requiring?  Or do server processes hold
>> onto workarea memory forever here as well?
>> I'm prepared to accept P_A_T as the "best thing since LMT", but so far I
>> don't see it.  At least not for all circumstances (as with LMT).  I see it
>> as a good thing in memory-constrained environments, but in environments
> with
>> plenty of RAM I see it so far as a possible source of unnecessary
>> instability with no upside.
>> Thanks!
>> -Tim
>> on 9/29/03 5:10 AM, Richard Foote at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> There are couple of parts of the conversation we've missed out ;)
>>> Firstly, the server process when talking to the P_A_T instance should
> have
>>> said, "What the hell is going on here, what do you mean I can't have my
>> full
>>> 100M, this keeps on happening and it's just good enough. Get a bloody DBA
>> to
>>> increase the P_A_T now because it's bloody obvious that the damn thing is
>>> set too low ....."   (especially if the load you describe is typical).
>>> Secondly, the server process when talking to the non P_A_T should have
>> said
>>> upon receiving the memory, "ha, thanks, and guess what, no one else can
>> have
>>> this memory back until I decide to rack off, and no I don't care if
> you're
>>> running short of memory, bugger ya, page for all I care ...."
>>> These are very important parts of the conversion !!
>>> At the site I currently work at, we had 12G of memory which at peak load
>> was
>>> just about running out. We have 1000-1200 sessions with (generally) only
> a
>>> small number active at a time but the sum of the PGAs was considerable
> and
>>> the major contributor. We had a number of disk sorts occurring although
>> the
>>> SAS kept the number within acceptable limits. After setting the P_A_T, we
>>> now have a comfortable buffer of free memory (generally sitting around
>> 1G),
>>> disk sorts have disappeared entirely (in four months, we've had 2 disk
>>> sorts) and hash joins have improved considerably.
>>> Based on my experience, P_A_T is the best thing Oracle has introduced
>> since
>>> LMT !!
>>> Cheers
>>> Richard Foote
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 6:59 AM
>>> Referencing the article mentioned in this thread, I'd also like to
>>> understand exactly what is meant by the phrase "[PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET]
>> leads
>>> to a more efficient use of RAM memory"?
>>> From what I've been able to determine about this functionality,
>> "efficient"
>>> merely means "space-efficient", not "performance-efficient" (i.e. Fewer
>>> cycles?  Smarter cycles?).  Is this correct?  Does anyone know of
> anything
>>> in WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY=AUTO which improves performance over
>>> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the algorithm for
>>> WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY=AUTO can be characterized something like:
>>>   [server process]:  I'd like to malloc some private heap/data memory
>>>           use in sorting, hashing, bitmap operations, or whatever?
>>>   [instance]:  OK, what do you need?
>>>   [server process]:  Um, I'd like 100Mb, please?
>>>   [instance]:  Well, PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is 2Gb and currently I see
>>>           that 150 other server processes are using 1.2Gb at the
>>>           moment...
>>>   [another server process]:  I'm done sorting!  I've released the
>>>           100Mb I was using!  Thanks...
>>>   [instance]:  OK, so now it is 149 other server processes using
>>>           1.19Gb at the moment.  So, you wanted 100Mb?  Well, since
>>>           the amount in use is over 50% of the target, I have to
>>>           scale your request back by 25%, so I'll let you take 75Mb
>>>   [server process]:  Well, OK.  My execution plan was originally
>>>           devised under the assumption that I'd have 100Mb of sort
>>>           space in memory, but...
>>>   [instance]:  Hey pal!  Take it or leave it!  Someone else just
>>>           took 75Mb, so if you think about it much longer, the
>>>           total amount in use might grow and then I might
>>>           only be able to give you 50% of your request!
>>>   [server process]:  OK! OK!  I'll take it.  (goes off and sadly
>>>           mallocs only 75Mb of sort space in private memory)...
>>> Whereas in WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY=MANUAL, it goes:
>>>   [server process]:  I'd like to malloc some private heap/data memory
>>>           use in sorting, hashing, bitmap operations, or whatever.
>>>           I'd like 100Mb, so that's what I'll allocate...
>>> I mean, other than anthropomorphizing the whole thing, is this the
> general
>>> gist of it?  Obviously, since the "instance" isn't a process and I'm not
>>> aware of another background process dedicated to this kind of thing, I'd
>> say
>>> that it is a tally kept someplace in the SGA that is latched and updated
>> by
>>> each server process in kind, but I thought the idea of a dialogue more
>>> amusing...  :-)
>>> If this is the case, then if I have a server which is not constrained for
>>> memory, then why should I be concerned about space-efficiency?
>>> I tend to visit 2-3 different companies/organizations per week on a
>> regular
>>> basis, and while I do find plenty of under-sized servers laboring under
>>> over-sized Oracle instances, I just as often find over-sized servers with
>>> acres of RAM, in which I'm certain entire DIMMs have never felt a volt of
>>> electricity.  Typical example is a customer I started at two weeks ago,
>> with
>>> 12 CPUs and 24 Gb of RAM and 30Gb of swap space, whose database instance
>> is
>>> demanding about 4 Gb of virtual memory, primarily due to
>>> PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET being set to 1.5Gb.  There's typically 20Gb of
>>> untouched RAM on this thing!
>>> Customer is being hosted by Oracle Apps hosting company and I queried
> them
>>> on this, suggesting they abandon WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY = AUTO and go back
>> to
>>> MANUAL, allowing each process to simply allocate sort, hash, bitmap, etc
>>> without regard for one another, as in previous Oracle versions.  Of
>> course,
>>> (as expected) I received a very condescending reply from the hosting
> DBAs.
>>> No problem -- I'm used to that, and there are much bigger fish to fry
>> first
>>> (i.e. five SQL statements consuming 60% of LIO and PIO), but I was
>> wondering
>>> if anyone had any insight into WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY=AUTO and performance
>>> (not space) efficiency?
>>> Of course, in this situation I could recommend that PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET
>> be
>>> resized to 16-20Gb (as indicated in sizing advice in docs), but how would
>>> this functionality help performance in contrast to just generously
> setting
>>> SORT_AREA_SIZE et al?
>>> on 9/26/03 8:34 AM, Cary Millsap at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>> I'd be interested to see the sequence of tests that support the
>>>> hypothesis that "disk sorts are about 14,000 times slower than memory
>>>> sorts."
>>>> Cary Millsap
>>>> Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
>>>> Upcoming events:
>>>> - Performance Diagnosis 101: 10/28 Phoenix, 11/19 Sydney
>>>> - Hotsos Symposium 2004: March 7-10 Dallas
>>>> - Visit for schedule details...
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 12:30 PM
>>>> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
>>>> Rich - Actually the hint in that posting made me realize what I was
>>>> wrestling with on an index build. Don Burleson explains it well
>>>> Dennis Williams
>>>> DBA, 80%OCP, 100% DBA
>>>> Lifetouch, Inc.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:35 AM
>>>> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
>>>> OK, I'll bite:  If SORT_AREA_SIZE isn't to be set, then what is?  Are
>>>> you
>>>> referring to the automagic PGA management?
>>>> Rich
>>>> Rich Jesse                           System/Database Administrator
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  Quad/Tech Inc, Sussex, WI USA
>>>> 10:30 AM CST = 5:30 PM CEST.  Rats!  Now I'll have to wait until
>>>> tomorrow
>>>> for an answer...  :)
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Mogens Nørgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:45 PM
>>>>> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
>>>>> Subject: Re: guidance
>>>>> Just talked to Jonathan Lewis from Helsinki. He went through
>>>>> some of the
>>>>> examples given in the latest issue of Oracle Magazine, and they were
>>>>> just plain wrong.
>>>>> I can't recall them in detail, but I think one of the questions were
>>>>> which parameter to set in order to let a user do large sorts.
>>>>> In 9i you
>>>>> shouldn't set sort_area_size, but that was the correct answer. And so
>>>>> on, and so forth.
>>>>> So the important advise is to do what you think they would
>>>>> like to hear :).
>>>>> Mogens
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>> List , I am planning to give my 9i performance tuning exam
>>>>> on the first .
>>>>>> Any advice you all want to give me ? Pretty nervous about
>>>>> it.  Sure would
>>>>>> appreciate your guidance.
>>>>>> ........
>>> --
>>> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
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>>> Author: Tim Gorman
>>> Fat City Network Services    -- 858-538-5051
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>> Fat City Network Services    -- 858-538-5051
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> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
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> Author: Tim Gorman
> Fat City Network Services    -- 858-538-5051
> San Diego, California        -- Mailing list and web hosting services
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Author: Tim Gorman

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