Title: RE: OT - Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-040 (828750)

Can you get to the Windows Update web page? If so does it freeze at 0% or 33%? If so there are some fixes available. If you can get to the web page, there's a button towards the bottom left for help with Windows Update. Check in there as Windows Update seems to need a LOT of help.

Jerry Whittle


NCI Information Systems Inc.



    -----Original Message-----


    Microsoft issued this critical update on the 3rd, which I found out about,

    when I did a Windows Update from my IE.


     A number of security issues have been identified in Microsoft® Internet   

     Explorer that could allow an attacker to compromise a Microsoft           

     Windows®-based system and then take a variety of actions. For example, an 

     attacker could run programs on your computer when you are viewing a Web   

     page. This vulnerability affects all computers that have Internet Explorer

     installed. (You do not have to be using Internet Explorer as your Web     

     browser to be affected by this issue.) You should help protect your       

     computer by installing this update from Microsoft.                        


    And now, after applying this patch, I am no longer able to run Windows

    Update. Doesn't windows update run programs on my computer when I am

    viewing the web page?  I wonder if they locked themselves out ;-) , or is

    the site down? I wish to know if I am the only one experiencing this.



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