would anyone care to take a whack at this?


From: Paul Drake 14-Oct-03 19:52
Subject: sqlnet.expire_time support in 9.2 on NT (w2k)

RDBMS Version::
Operating System and Version:: MS W2K Advanced Server SP4
Error Number (if applicable)::
Server Net Version::
Client Operating System and Version:: MS W2K Pro SP4
Client Net Version::

sqlnet.expire_time support in 9.2 on NT (w2k)

sqlnet.expire_time is not working properly for me in on w2k.

In a trace file (trace_level=16)
I am seeing the message:

nstimarmed: entry
nstimarmed: no timer allocated
nstimarmed: normal exit

I have read the following docs:

Note:151972.1 Dead Connection Detection (DCD) Explained
Note:1018160.6 Common Questions About Dead Connection Detection (DCD)

Orac! le9i Net Services Reference Guide
Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96581-02

and Jonathan Gennick's Oracle Net8 Troubleshooting Guide.

sqlnet.expire_time = 10
in the file %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\sqlnet.ora

environment variable
tns_admin = 9.2 home\network\admin, as that was referenced in one of the above docs as a possible remedy.

the listener service has been cycled (since the file sqlnet.ora was changed).

This server does have 2 oracle homes ( and
No Oracle TNS Listeners are in use that use the 8.1.7 home.
The 9.2 Home is the default home.

when examining a connection from my workstation to the server, the timer functionality is not being used.

1. Is the use of sqlnet.expire_time supported on win32 (at all)?
2. If 1 is true, under what release/patch is it supported?
3. if 1 ! is false, has anyone had success with the following:

Use the standard TCP KeepAlive on Windows NT/2000:
- Open the registry under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: SYSTEM: CurrentControlSet: Services: Tcpip: Parameters
- Add KeepAliveTime : REG_DWORD to the registry
- Set the value to a reasonable timeout.(decimal and NOT Hex)
Eg: (120000 = 2 minutes)
- Save this
- Reboot

and what are the downsides of such a workaround?

MTS / shared_server is not an option, as this is a client/server app that can move large volumes of data.

sqlnet.expire_timeout was supposed to be supported on 9.0.1 on win32.



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