Management have been grumbling about the cost of TOAD Professional licenses, and have been "recommended" a cheaper product called PL/SQL Developer by Allround Automations (available from Inthink Corporation at $150 a pop). Now, I've been to the product website, and read up on all its features, and it basically looks like a nice enough product, but aimed squarely at PL/SQL developers, rather than including all the DBA-oriented goodies we find in TOAD. My first reaction is to respond by saying "fine, give it to the developers to replace their copies of TOAD, if they find it adequate for development, but it's not a DBA tool, so I'll keep my TOAD Xpert with DBA module, thanks very much!".
But if anyone on the list has tried both products, I'd be interested to know what you think. Is it as usable as TOAD Professional for developers? Does it have hidden charms which would make it a suitable replacement for DBA use? How responsive are the product developers to requests for enhancements? Any input is very welcome!
Paul Vincent
University of Central England

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