Yes, I understand BBW, and how PCTFREE affects block density, and hence BBW. My point, which you appear to have missed, is PCTUSED does not affect block density which is determined by PCTFREE.
Lets take a simple case of 10% PCTFREE, and 40% PCTUSED. Blocks will fill up to 90% _no matter_ what you make the PCTUSED figure to be. Only if you have lots of updates/deletes that PCTUSED comes into play but then you have a 90% packed block to begin with, so its effect is marginal.  PCTFREE alone will reduce block density if that is the aim. In your paper, you changed several parameters at the same time - including freelists which does not affect block density. From a statistical/testing point of view you cannot really draw any conclusions.
Lower block density may reduce BBWs, but you still have to process the same number of rows. And you have to process a higher number of blocks which incurs an additional cost. Question becomes - has the problem been simply shifted somewhere else?
----- Original Message -----
From: Arup Nanda
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: using temp tables for staging databases?


The cause of Buffer Busy Waits (BBW) is not exclusively the setting of PCTUSED and PCTFREE; they just two of the causes. To understand the connection, let me explain a little bit on the cause of BBWs.

When a session requests some data element from a table, the server process of the session gets the block from the disk to the cache (assume the block is not present in the cache). The event of the block coming from the disk to occupy a buffer in the caceh is pretty straight forward. Now, imagaine, at the exact same time another session selects a row from the same block. A *different* row but from the *same* block. That session will search the cache buffer chain and see that the buffer is not present and will attempt the same maneuevre, i.e. get the buffer from the disk. However, the first session is currently moving the buffer; the second session has to *wait* till the process is complete. This wait is known as buffer busy wait (BBW); but I guess you already knew that. The two sessions are not in conflict over the same row, but the same buffer; so it's not locking contention.

How can we eliminate BBWs? Unfortunately we can't bring it to zero. There is always a probability that two sessions will try to get the same block. The only exception is when a block contains only one row. In that case the sessions will select different blocks for different rows. Again, this is not practical.

We can reduce BBW by reducing the *possibility* that two sessions will not try to access the same block. This can be done using several ways:

(1) reducing the block size
(2) making a block less compact, so that each block holds less number of rows. The fewer the number of rows in a block, the lesser the probability that two sessions will access rows in the same block.

The first option is not a very practical one in most cases. The second option is. It can be effected by allocating less space in a block, which can be done by using a large value of PCTFREE, e.g. 40 and/or small value of PCTUSED, such as 40, instead of 99. Other ways to achieve the same result is using a higher value of INITRANS, or anything that will cause less number of rows to fill up a block. Less rows => less chance of BBW occuring.

I wrote a paper in Select Journal a few months ago explaining this very situation. Although the article is on Segment Level Statistics, it has an example which you can simulate to see the effect of PCTFREE/PCTUSED/INITRANS on Buffer Busy Waits. It can be downlaoded from my website at and choose New Tool on the Block - Segment Level Statistics. Please feel free to give it a whirl.

Further qualifying the case for higher PCTUSED and lower PCTFREE in datawarehouse environments, the chance that two sessions will access the row in same block is much less in DW than in OLTP. Hence the values can be different in DW.


Arup Nanda

----- Original Message -----
From: "Binley Lim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: using temp tables for staging databases?

> I'm unclear how BBW is related to PCTUSED. PCTUSED is used to control when
> blocks are returned to the freelist due to deletions. Blocks already-off the
> freelist, and above PCTUSED, remain unavailable for inserts.
> PCTUSED does not prevent a "block contains too many rows" -since a low
> PCTFREE will pack the rows tightly anyway. If BBW wait is a problem, then
> there are other causes. PCTUSED is not one of them, or at least should not
> be an attempted solution.
> > I will also add to Tim's response of justifying a smaller PCTUSED. In
> > addition to the freelist problem he mentioned, there is also a greater
> > chance of buffer busy waits occuring when a block contains too many rows.
> In
> > an OLTP database that is certainly likely to happen - another case for the
> > default 40 setting for the parameter. In DW, however, the chances of BBW
> are
> > low, hence a higher setting may be possible.
> --
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