Title: Query Tuning Help

I'm trying to tune the following query to use an index on the FILE_DTS column, rather than a FTS on the CLASS_CONFIG table (~350,000 rows).

SELECT  a2.class_config_id, a1.schedule_name
FROM    class_config a2, class_schedule a1
WHERE a2.class_config_id = a1.class_config_id
AND       to_date(a2.file_dts, 'mmddyyhh24miss') > SYSDATE - 35

I created a function-based index on FILE_DTS, like this:


and analyzed the table, but the explain plan still shows a FTS.  I can change the query to something simpler and get it to use the new index, but I assume the calculation (> SYSDATE - 35) is causing the problem.  Any suggestions?

Best regards,

David B. Wagoner
Database Administrator
Arsenal Digital Solutions
Web: http://www.arsenaldigital.com


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