It appears that you are using AQ, as that is what 'unread message' waits are for.

Apparently also DBMS_PIPE, as per the 'pipe put'.  I don't know if AQ makes
any use of DBMS_PIPE.

The numbers provided aren't enough to tell if this might be a problem.  Your
database has spent almost 2 hours waiting on these two events.  If your database
has been up for 3 hours, then these probably need some attention.

If it's been up for a month, accumulating 2 hours of waits over that period may
not represent any problem.

I do find it interesting that the 'pipe put' waits are about 5 seconds each on average,
as that's a pretty long wait.

You may want to discuss this with the app folks.  

A good buy would be "Optimizing Oracle Performance" by Cary Millsap and Jeff Holt.

It goes into some detail about how to use Oracle traces to pinpoint problems.



Zabair Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 11/06/2003 05:44 AM
 Please respond to ORACLE-L

        To:        Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        oracle events...

Does anyone know what these oracle events are and how the wait times can be reduced. This is an extract  from statspack output  on on HP 11.11
Top 5 Timed Events
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     % Total
Event                                               Waits    Time (s) Ela Time
-------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- --------
pipe put                                              780       3,904    44.65
wait for unread message on broadcast channel        3,016       3,034    34.70
PX Deq: Signal ACK                                 33,937         678     7.76
db file scattered read                          6,575,215         499     5.70
PX qref latch                                         222         200     2.29

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