
Data-warehouse application using Oracle on HP-UX 11i

Since our ETL process is running for a long time, have been given the task of partitioning some of huge tables and check the results. So picked the top 5 sessions (in terms of running time) and got the sql used by Informatica.

Test results were excellent: 48 minutes against the original table vs 15 seconds on the partitioned table to select about 4000 rows from a 5 million row table. The test was done using a separate schema on the same production database.

However, after implementing the same in the production schema, the same query is taking about 100 seconds.

Automatic_parallel_tuning is set to TRUE. Parallelism is set to 5 at the table level.

The only diference that I can see is that the table in production schema is analyzed (using analyze table ... estimate statistics 20 percent) whereas my test table was not analyzed.

Would appeciate any input.



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