Title: RE: RE: Development vs. Production DBA
If I was doing a introductory administration session, I'd emphasize the right way of thinking the most. That is
1) Always make sure that you know what you're doing and what are the potential consequences of your doings
2) Do not do extensive maintenance tasks during peak hours (yes, for some people it is no problem to take down the database server during the most active usage period)
3) Every security hole will be used eventually
4) A backup strategy is only as good as it's corresponding recovery strategy
Btw, I'll be presenting 1-2 sessions there too, so see you there.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: IOUG 2004

I was informed last night that they accepted my seminar proposal, I will be doing an introductory session on how to administer Oracle databases.
Hope to see many of you in Toronto next April.
In the meantime if there are questions you would like me to cover, send them on -- I will only have an hour but the more relevant the presentation can be, the better.

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