Title: Exporting a partition with transport tablespace

Hi list,
is it possible to export a partition with the transportable tablespace feature ?
My partition is over 8 Go.

Here my statements , thank you in advance !

SQL>exec sys.dbms_tts.transport_set_check('HISTO_DOSSIER_P1_MD_TAB',FALSE);
SQL> select * from sys.transport_set_violations;

Partitioned table TOPASE.HISTO_DOSSIER is partially contained in the transportab
le set: check table partitions by querying sys.dba_tab_partitions

Default Partition (Table) Tablespace HISTO_DOSSIER_P2_MD_TAB for HISTO_DOSSIER n
ot contained in transportable set

Default Partition (Table) Tablespace HISTO_DOSSIER_P3_MD_TAB for HISTO_DOSSIER n
ot contained in transportable set

Default Partition (Table) Tablespace HISTO_DOSSIER_P4_MD_TAB for HISTO_DOSSIER n
ot contained in transportable set

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