Comments below:
> let me be clearer. I need to return an estimate of the number of rows for
> 'pagination'. The user will page through 25 rows a time, but wants an
> estimate on the total number of rows returned. I want to avoid counts.
> tom kytes book says to use v$sql_plan, but how do i get my exact query? Id
> prefer to do it without table joins. Since I have a very strict SLA.
> dbms_xplan is returning the whole thing. I just want the cardinality and I
> have to put it in a variable.
I'll just post a quick raw idea how to do it (although there are many problems which may render this functionality useless) with a longer example.
Basically, in 9i there are four ways of finding out how many rows will any query return:
1) select from the query and count
2) use v$sql_plan_statistics column output_rows for already executed queries
3) use CBO estimates for parsed queries from v$sql_plan
4) ask Larry Ellison
1st is the most accurate, but resource-hungry
2nd has the problem that it only records last rowcount for a given query (which means it's useless with bind variables)
3rd is probably quite inaccurate, especially when histograms aren't calculated on non-single row predicate columns (again, with bind variables is useless). Also, if you want to use it, you have to find the right row for the
4th isn't implemented before 11g
Anyway, here are few samples how Oracle estimates & records rowcounts (this is long):

SQL> create table t (a, b) as select 1, 'A' from sys.obj$;


Table created.


SQL> insert into t values (2, 'B');


1 row created.


SQL> commit;


Commit complete.


SQL> select a, count(*) from t group by a;


         A   COUNT(*)

---------- ----------

         1       7211

         2          1


We got one ‘2’ and lots of ‘1’s in the table, 7212 records in total.


SQL> var v number;

SQL> exec :v:=2;


Lets use bind variables for our query


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SQL> analyze table t compute statistics;


Calculate stats without histograms


Table analyzed.


SQL> select /* taneltest */ * from t where a=:v;


         A B

---------- -

         2 B


SQL> select output_rows

  2  from v$sql_plan_statistics p

  3  where (address, hash_value) in (

  4      select address, hash_value from v$sql where sql_text like '%/* taneltest */%'

  5      and sql_text not like '%hash_value%'

  6  );






v$sql_plan_statistics showed that last time the statement was executed, it returned 1 row.


SQL> exec :v:=1;


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SQL> select /* taneltest */ * from t where a=:v;


         A B

---------- -

         1 A

         1 A

         1 A

         1 A


(pressed CTRL-C)


682 rows selected.


SQL> select output_rows

  2  from v$sql_plan_statistics p

  3  where (address, hash_value) in (

  4      select address, hash_value from v$sql where sql_text like '%/* taneltest */%'

  5      and sql_text not like '%hash_value%'

  6  );






The same statement now has returned 692 rows (less was displayed because of my ctrl-c)

If we need an estimate without executions then we just have to parse the statement and rely on CBO calculations (note that because my lazyness I still executed the select without parsing it. Also in this example I’m using literal values, with binds the execution plan is probably not generated before the first bind - and this execution plan will remain despite bind value changes until it is invalidated by some reason).


SQL> select /* taneltest2 */ * from t where a=2;


         A B

---------- -

         2 B


Lets estimate how many ‘2’s we have (without any histograms)


SQL> select p.child_number, p.id, rpad(' ', p.depth) || p.operation || ' ' || p.options operation,

  2      p.cost, p.cardinality, p.bytes, p.temp_space

  3  from v$sql_plan p

  4  where (address, hash_value) in (

  5      select address, hash_value from v$sql where sql_text like '%/* taneltest2 */%'

  6      and sql_text not like '%hash_value%'

  7  );



------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------

           0          0 SELECT STATEMENT                        6

           0          1  TABLE ACCESS FULL                      6        3606      10818


CBO estimates that there’ll be 3606 “2”s in the table. Note that 3606 is exactly half of 7212, the number of rows in the table (despite no histograms we have rowcnt populated in tab$ and distcnt$ populated in hist_head$, thus CBO can find the density by simply dividing these two)


SQL> analyze table t compute statistics for columns a size 100;


Lets generate a histogram:


Table analyzed.


SQL> select /* taneltest2 */ * from t where a=2;


         A B

---------- -

         2 B


SQL> select p.child_number, p.id, rpad(' ', p.depth) || p.operation || ' ' || p.options operation,

  2      p.cost, p.cardinality, p.bytes, p.temp_space

  3  from v$sql_plan p

  4  where (address, hash_value) in (

  5      select address, hash_value from v$sql where sql_text like '%/* taneltest2 */%'

  6      and sql_text not like '%hash_value%'

  7  );



------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------

           0          0 SELECT STATEMENT                        6

           0          1  TABLE ACCESS FULL                      6           1          3




There’s less distinct values in column than histogram buckets allowed on it, thus CBO knows exactly how many rows are for specific column value (now histgrm$ base table can be used).


Conclusion? It is not possible to achieve accurate rowcount predictions with Oracle 9i in real world situations and within real world constraints. But if your business requirements let you compromize performance and accuracy, then sure you can estimate rowcounts like that, but it might be that going with method 4 described in beginning of the letter is actually a better way to go.


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