The first thing I would do is to make sure and make full, cold backups by shutting down the database and doing a tape backup of the disk your database files are on. This will keep you out of trouble immediately.
Then, since you said you were using Oracle, set up your backups to go every night using RMAN, straight to the tape device. Oracle RMAN handles this. It includes a driver for Veritas. There is an excellent book on RMAN. It's called Oracle9i RMAN Backup & Recovery by Robert G. Freeman and Matthew Hart. It's an Oracle Press book that you can get on amazon.com or Borders, Barnes & Noble, etc. That will guide you through the process. Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0072226625/qid=1074186675/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/103-6635244-7274242?v=glance&s=books
You can do this. Just start with protecting your data immediately with cold backups, then move on to using RMAN for full backups. Then move on to incremental backups.
I hope that helps.

Michael Milligan
Oracle DBA
Ingenix, Inc.
2525 Lake Park Blvd.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84120
wrk 801-982-3081
mbl 801-628-6058


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  • Hi!! Teresita Castro
    • RE: Hi!! Goulet, Dick
    • Michael Milligan

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