smtp_host or port (25 in the example) could be wrong [conn :=
> host, 25);].
Your SMTP server may not be up and running.
Check this:;

2009/4/20 Mouhammed Iyad <>

> Dear Javier,
> I'm having this error,
> ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not available
> what can I do now ??
> Best Regards,
> Iyad
> 2009/4/16 Javier Montani <>
> Try:
>> PROCEDURE Send_Email () IS
>>      smtp_host     VarChar2(256) := '';
>>    conn  utl_smtp.connection;
>>    Priority  PLS_INTEGER := 3;
>>    MIME_Type  VarChar2(256) := 'text/plain';
>>    CRLF VarChar2(2) := CHR(13)|| CHR(10);
>>    Subject VarChar2(200);
>>    Recipient VarChar2(200);
>>      BCC_Recipient VarChar2(200);
>>    Sender VarChar2(200);
>>    Fname VarChar2(200);
>>    Lname VarChar2(200);
>>    Sender_Name VarChar2(200);
>>    Body VarChar2(2000);
>>    Organization VarChar2(3);
>>    Disposition VarChar2(18);
>>    Message_Body  VarChar2(5000);
>>    MAILER_ID  CONSTANT  VarChar2(256) := 'XXXX Module';
>> Begin
>> /* create the Connection Instance */
>>      conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(smtp_host, 25);
>>    utl_smtp.helo(conn, smtp_host);
>>      Sender:='';
>>    utl_smtp.mail(conn, Sender);
>>      Recipient:="send_to";
>>    utl_smtp.rcpt(conn, Recipient);
>>   Sender_Name := 'Sender name';
>> /* Set the Subject and Body variables */
>>    body := "body" || CRLF;
>> /* Set Up Message Body of eMail */
>>    Message_Body := 'Date: '||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'dd Mon yyyy
>> hh24:mi:ss')||CRLF||
>>                  'From:"'||Sender_Name||'" <'||Sender||'>'||CRLF||
>>                  'To:"'||Recipient||'" <'||Recipient||'>' ||CRLF||
>>                  'Subject:'||Subject
>>                  ||'Content-Type:'||MIME_Type||CRLF
>>                  ||'X-Mailer:'||MAILER_ID||CRLF
>>                  ||'X-Priority:'||Priority||CRLF||CRLF
>>                  || Body
>>                  ||CRLF
>>                  ;
>> /* End an email in a session */
>> /* End an email session */
>>    utl_smtp.quit(conn);
>>   WHEN utl_smtp.transient_error OR utl_smtp.permanent_error THEN
>>     utl_smtp.quit(conn);
>>     Message('Unable to send email to "' || Recipient );
>>     Message('Error is: ' || sqlerrm);
>>     Message('Unable to send email to "' || Recipient );
>>     Message('Error is: ' || sqlerrm);
>> END;
>> 2009/4/16 Mouhammed Iyad <>
>>> Nice Day Dears,
>>> No Answer !!!!
>>> So I think I should look somewhere else .....
>>> Best Regards,
>>> IYAD
>>> 2009/4/12 Mouhammed Iyad <>
>>>> Nice Day Michael,
>>>> Thanks for the note I meant through out outlook but I drop the out by
>>>> mistake,
>>>> My project is the follow:
>>>> I have to gather some data from many points of services on daily basis,
>>>> I can do that using a web application connected to Oracle database,
>>>> But sometime they forget to fill this data on time, for that I have to
>>>> send them a reminder email,
>>>> I'm using for now an access database linked to oracle tables with help
>>>> of VBA I can make a check query to send a specific reminder to a specific
>>>> sender & I made a windows Job to run it every day at 9:00 am,
>>>> but it's not an effective way, it has many faults,
>>>> by the way I have a company domain & that's the only email I should use,
>>>> Is their a way to connect oracle to the company domain using my account
>>>> to send these emails ??
>>>> & is it possible to create a job for this procedure ??
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Iyad
>>>> On 10/04/2009, Michael Moore <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Muhammad,
>>>>> I'll assume you mean "through" and not "throw" as outlook is not
>>>>> something like a ball that can be thrown.
>>>>> As far as I know, there is no easy way to do this because Oracle can
>>>>> send email directly and does not help from Outlook.
>>>>> If you can give more details about your project, we can be more
>>>>> helpful. What exactly is it that you wish to accomplish?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:38 AM, Mouhammed Iyad <>wrote:
>>>>>> Dears,
>>>>>> Have a nice day,
>>>>>> Is it possible to send emails throw outlook using oracle build in
>>>>>> package or procesour ??
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Iyad
>> >>

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