Hi, T

Thanks.  1 .. ids.count seems working as I wanted.

On May 7, 8:05 am, Trail <andrew.tr...@gnb.ca> wrote:
> Hi Denis,
> Just thought I'd throw in my $.02.  The thing that stands out at me
> would be the use of "first" and "last" on line 10.  I would simply
> use:
> forall i in 1 .. ids.count
> It's worth a shot.  I'm not familiar with the other syntax (though it
> did work the first time).
> Good luck
> -T.
> On May 7, 3:51 am, denis <denis....@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I recieved ORA-06502 when I put the bulk insert in a loop. what could
> > be the reason? Any help to fix it is greatly appreciated.
> > SQL>desc driver;
> >  Name
> > Null?    Type
> >  -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > -------- --------------
> > ID
> > SQL>desc temp_1;
> >  Name
> > Null?    Type
> >  -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > -------- --------------
> > ID
> > ===> test 1 without loop is ok
> > SQL>@test1
> > SQL>declare
> >   2    type idTyp is table of driver%rowtype
> >   3        index by binary_integer;
> >   4    ids idTyp;
> >   5    cursor c is select id from driver;
> >   6  begin
> >   7     open c;
> >   8  --   loop
> >   9        fetch c  bulk collect into ids limit 10;
> >  10        forall i in ids.first..ids.last
> >  11           insert into temp_1 values ids(i);
> >  12  -- exit when c%notfound;
> >  13  --   end loop;
> >  14     close c;
> >  15  end;
> >  16  /
> > PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
> > ===> test 2  with loop failed
> > SQL>@test2
> > SQL>declare
> >   2    type idTyp is table of driver%rowtype
> >   3        index by binary_integer;
> >   4    ids idTyp;
> >   5    cursor c is select id from driver;
> >   6  begin
> >   7     open c;
> >   8     loop
> >   9        fetch c  bulk collect into ids limit 10;
> >  10        forall i in ids.first..ids.last
> >  11           insert into temp_1 values ids(i);
> >  12        exit when c%notfound;
> >  13     end loop;
> >  14     close c;
> >  15  end;
> >  16  /
> > declare
> > *
> > ERROR at line 1:
> > ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
> > ORA-06512: at line 10- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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