
I'm trying to format output exactly as defined in Oracle table columns
with sqlplus.

col1 VARCHAR (15);
col2 NUMBER(8);
col3 NUMBER(15);

I want col1 to be output on 15 characters, col2 on 8 characters and
col3 on 15 characters. Indeed for column col1 it works but for col2
and col3, the output is on 10 characters. I can't set a default output
length for NUMBER because I have NUMBER of different lengths. And when
I have more than 10 digits in a number in col3, the output is in
scientific number format. I tried to set format with 99999999 but it
didn't work.

I tried to modify my sql request to set to_char(col2) but it then
takes the char default length (40 on my system).

Has someone idea to achieve this goal ?

Thanx for any suggestion.


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