Apologies - forgot to print the second column.  The first line of the
query should be:

select col1, substr(col1,1,length_string-1) new_col1


COL1                 NEW_COL1
-------------------- -------------------
8-8-19-66-1-2-22     8-8-19-66-1-2
8-8-19-66-1-2-30     8-8-19-66-1-2
8-8-19-66-1-2-0      8-8-19-66-1-2
8-8-19-66-1-2-99     8-8-19-66-1-2

On May 13, 3:00 pm, Trail <andrew.tr...@gnb.ca> wrote:
> Perhaps I'm understanding this incorrectly (and I think it got a
> little confusing, because all of the ABC columns that matched preceded
> the first "0")  I read this as, you want to find the first occurance
> of the "-0" and take the substring of the characters leading up to the
> zero "0" (hypen appears to be included in your example).  At that
> point, find all matching records (text), up to that length.
> I agree that a sort is required to determine the first occurance.
> (note:  I think Michael has provided an elegant solution - I'm just
> looking at the question a different way).  For this reason I included
> an id column (sort column) to represent whatever you are sorting on.
> To illustrate this, I used a 7th row (ending in 99), that again
> matched.
> create table t1 (id   number, col1   varchar2(20));
> insert into t1 values (1,'8-8-19-66-1-2-22');
> insert into t1 values (2,'8-8-19-66-1-2-30');
> insert into t1 values (3,'8-8-19-66-1-2-0');
> insert into t1 values (4,'8-8-19-65-0-0-0');
> insert into t1 values (5,'8-8-19-65-1-2-28');
> insert into t1 values (6,'8-8-19-65-2-5-21');
> insert into t1 values (7,'8-8-19-66-1-2-99');
> select col1
> from t1
>     ,(select substr(col1,1,INSTR(col1||'-', '-0-')) new_string
>             ,INSTR(col1||'-', '-0-') length_string
>             ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id) row_number
>       from t1) a  --inline view to control the string matching
>     ,(select min(row_num) row_num
>         from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id) row_num
>                     ,col1
>                     ,CASE WHEN instr(col1||'-', '-0-') > 0 THEN 1
>                           ELSE 0
>                           END has_zero
>                 from t1
>                 order by id)
>         where has_zero = 1) b  --inline view to determine the first
> string with a -0
>   where substr(t1.col1,1,a.length_string) = a.new_string
>     and a.row_number = b.row_num
> COL1
> --------------------
> 8-8-19-66-1-2-22
> 8-8-19-66-1-2-30
> 8-8-19-66-1-2-0
> 8-8-19-66-1-2-99
> Output includes all records matching "8-8-19-66-1-2-".
> -T
> On May 13, 2:25 pm, Michael Moore <michaeljmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > so = whatever you plan on sorting on
> > select * from mikejunk;
> > WITH qrs AS
> >      (SELECT abc,
> >              ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY so) rownumber
> >         FROM mikejunk)
> > select i.abc,chop from qrs i join (
> > SELECT rownumber,
> >        abc,
> >        SUBSTR (abc, 1,
> >                COALESCE (  NULLIF (0, REGEXP_INSTR (abc, '(^0-)'))
> >                          + 1, REGEXP_INSTR (abc, '(-0-)|(-0$)'))) chop
> >   FROM qrs z
> >  WHERE rownumber = (SELECT MIN (rownumber)
> >                       FROM qrs x
> >                      WHERE (abc LIKE '0-%' OR abc LIKE '%-0-%' OR abc LIKE
> > '%-0'))) m
> > on i.rownumber <= m.rownumber ;
> > ABC                      SO
> > ---------------- ----------
> > 8-8-19-66-1-2-22          1
> > 8-8-19-66-1-2-30          2
> > 8-8-19-66-1-2-0           3
> > 8-8-19-65-0-0-0           4
> > 8-8-19-65-1-2-28          5
> > 8-8-19-65-2-5-21          6
> > 6 rows selected.
> > ABC              CHOP
> > ---------------- ----------------
> > 8-8-19-66-1-2-22 8-8-19-66-1-2-
> > 8-8-19-66-1-2-30 8-8-19-66-1-2-
> > 8-8-19-66-1-2-0  8-8-19-66-1-2-
> > 3 rows selected.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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