Comments embedded.

On May 19, 11:27 am, Antonio <> wrote:
> Hi,
> The date in the database is stored in this format YYYY-MM-DD-
> HH24:MI:SS

No, it's stored in a proprietary format and what you see is one of
many display format options.

> During the select query,
> I would like to convert this date format in "Unix epoch".

You want UNIX format, as the epoch is a single date from which all
other UNIX dates are referenced.

If you know the definition for the UNIX epoch you should be able to do
this quite easily.  If not here's some help:

UNIX epoch: 01/01/1970 00:00:00

UNIX time is seconds/milliseconds since the epoch

86400 seconds in a day

86400000 milliseconds in a day

Simply subtract the epoch from your Oracle date and multiply by the
factor of your choice (depending upon whether you want seconds since
the epoch or milliseconds since the epoch) and you're done.

> How can I manage the SQL query to make it?

As an example:

SQL> select (sysdate - to_date('01/01/1970','MM/DD/RRRR'))*86400
  2  from dual;


If you want milliseconds:

SQL> select (sysdate - to_date('01/01/1970','MM/DD/RRRR'))*86400000
  2  from dual;


> Thanks,
> Antonio

David Fitzjarrell
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