On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 6:51:56 AM UTC-6, Manju Harish wrote:
> Hi everyone;
> Am trying to send sms using oracle stored procedure .  *Am getting an 
> error message “ORA-20001: Sending SMS failed with HTTP status: 400-Bad 
> Request” *
> The procedure code is as below :
> *CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Sendsms (precipient IN VARCHAR2, pbody IN 
> * *
> *   esendex_username   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (40)   := 
> 'sun...@smartcall.ae<javascript:>   
> ';*
> *   esendex_password   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (40)   := 'sunt1';*
> *   esendex_account    CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (40)   := 'smartcall.ae';*
> *   vrequest                    utl_http.req;*
> *   vposttext                   VARCHAR2 (500);*
> *   vresponse                   utl_http.resp;*
> *   vresponsetext               VARCHAR2 (2000);*
> *   verrortext                  VARCHAR2 (200);*
> *
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> *-- Build text for the post action.*
> *-- For a field description, see*
> *-- http://www.esendex.com/secure/messenger/formpost/SendSMS.aspx*
> *
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> *   vposttext :=*
> *         'EsendexPlainText=YES'*
> *      || CHR (38)*
> *      || 'EsendexUsername='*
> *      || utl_url.ESCAPE (esendex_username, TRUE)*
> *      || CHR (38)*
> *      || 'EsendexPassword='*
> *      || utl_url.ESCAPE (esendex_password, TRUE)*
> *      || CHR (38)*
> *      || 'EsendexAccount='*
> *      || utl_url.ESCAPE (esendex_account, TRUE)*
> *      || CHR (38)*
> *      || 'EsendexRecipient='*
> *      || utl_url.ESCAPE (precipient, TRUE)*
> *      || CHR (38)*
> *      || 'EsendexBody='*
> *      || utl_url.ESCAPE (pbody, TRUE);*
> *
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> *-- if you need to set a proxy, uncomment next line.*
> *
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> */* Utl_Http.set_proxy('proxy.it.my-company.com', 'my-company.com'); */*
> *
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> *-- Send SMS through the Esendex SMS service.*
> *
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> *   vrequest :=*
> *      utl_http.begin_request*
> *                            (url         => '
> http://www.esendex.com/secure/messenger/formpost/SendSMS.aspx',*
> *                             method      => 'POST'*
> *                            );*
> *   utl_http.set_header (r          => vrequest,*
> *                        name       => 'Content-Type',*
> *                        value      => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
> *
> *                       );*
> *   utl_http.set_header (r => vrequest, name => 'Content-Length', value 
> => LENGTH (vposttext));*
> *   utl_http.write_text (r => vrequest, data => vposttext);*
> *   vresponse := utl_http.get_response (vrequest);*
> * *
> *   IF vresponse.status_code = '200'*
> *   THEN*
> *      utl_http.read_text (vresponse, vresponsetext);*
> * *
> *      IF vresponsetext NOT LIKE 'Result=OK%'*
> *      THEN*
> *         verrortext := vresponsetext;*
> *      END IF;*
> *   ELSE*
> *      verrortext := 'HTTP status: ' || vresponse.status_code || '-' || 
> vresponse.reason_phrase;*
> *   END IF;*
> * *
> *   utl_http.end_response (vresponse);*
> * *
> *   IF verrortext IS NOT NULL*
> *   THEN*
> *      RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001, 'Sending SMS failed with ' || 
> verrortext);*
> *   END IF;*
> *END Sendsms;*
> */*
> pLease help me.
Without the username you're trying to send messages to it's difficult to 
assist you.
David Fitzjarrell 

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