*Note: Please forward resumes to
* *

*Job Title : Data Modeler
Location:  Madison, WI
Duration:  6-8 months
Max rate: $60/hr only   *

*Must have Skills:
PowerDesigner, 3NF and insurance industry experience. *

*Required Qualifications:
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field, or
comparable experience, and continuing education related to the job.
7 years experience in logical data modeling with focus in data integration
and extension of a generalized model for the design and deployment of
application databases, data warehouses, and data marts.
2 to 3 years of experience using data modeling (PowerDesigner) commercial
software is preferred.  Erwin experience would suffice.
Working knowledge of maintaining and publishing data definitions and
business rules within a metadata repository is preferred.
Demonstrated knowledge of transactional (ODS) modeling, dimensional
modeling, data warehouse design, and development of data structures is
3NF (third normal form) modeling and dimensional modeling exp
Looking for candidates that have the enterprise level experience w/standard
IIW data model-is 1st choice; would look at someone with BDW (banking data
warehouse) data model
Need to have foundational background with ETL
Must have experience with standard models....this is where candidates have
fallen short
Must have at least 5 yrs of data model exp and enhancing the model to fit in
the organization; modify model, has done analysis, and how it all applies to
the business.

Thanks & Regards:
Sr. Technical Recruiter
Saxon Global Inc
Office: 972-550-9346 ext-208|
Direct: 972-573-3646, 972-607-4307| Fax: +001(866)-405-9572 |
E: mah...@saxon-global.com**| **mahesh.sa...@yahoo.com*<maheshitc...@yahoo.com>
* |
1300 W Walnut Hill Ln Ste 257, Irving TX 75038 |
* |*

*Yahoo IM: mahesh.saxon*

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