A new Job, ID: 24601 <http://ejobsville.com/display-job/24601/> was added
at *eJobsVille.com - For the Best Tech Jobs in Town* <http://ejobsville.com>

*Title:*  *SAP HCM Lead*  posted on 2013-08-22 09:38:29

*Job Description:*   - Must have/Critical functional knowledge and skills
   - SAP - Personnel Administration/Organizational Management
  - SAP - Basic compensation (highly visible  functionality)
 -  Ability to use problem solving  and persuasion over criticism
  -  Ability to communicate with business and other team members
   - Ability to prioritize and manage dynamic activities/tasks
   - Ability to produce detailed functional specifications based on
business requirements
 -  Must have/Critical team lead skills –
              A.  Ability to meet goals and objectives
              B.  Effective Planning
              C. Proven ability to provide direction and leadership to
              D. Delegation
              E.  Previous proven ability to manage 10+ resources (in
multiple locations)
              F.  Focus on quality

*Click here to view full job descripton and
(Guest users can also apply)

Best regards,
eJobsVille.com - For The Best Tech Jobs In Town

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