
How are you doing?

Please go through the following job rek, if interested send me the updated
resume with contact details ASAP.

*Position :Python Developer*

*Duration: Long term*

*Location: Brooklyn, NY*



·         Python Development                             50%

·         Python Design                                      30%

·         Python Architecture                               10%

·         Python Maintenance                              10%

·         Experience:

Minimum of 5 years of python development experience

·         Deep understanding of the *Django *framework

·         Development for the web including working knowledge of HTTP,
caching, sessions, etc.

·         Strong database skills in a relational database (*PostgresSQL,
Oracle, MySQL, etc.)*

·         Full understanding of version control *(GIT, SVN, Mercurial,

·         Experience working in Linux (*Debian, CentOS, etc.)* with
command-line utilities

·         Ability to streamline deployment with packaging technologies
(i.e. Hudson/Jenkins, Maven, puppet, etc.) is a plus

·         *Mobile development experience is a plus*

·         *Agile development experience is a plus*

*Experience with deploying and maintaining applications on AWS is a plus*


*1901 North Roselle Road, Suite: 800,**Schaumburg, IL 60195*


*Fax: 847 890 6394Email Id: **preethi**@palniinc.com* <pree...@palniinc.com>


*www.palniinc.com* <http://www.palniinc.com/>

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*Please Let's Go Green…..think before you print!*

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