I'm Swapna, with Systel Inc. We've an urgent requirement with one of our
client for *Hadoop Consultant with HAWQ * position in  *NYC, NY*  Please
find below the job description for the same and revert back to me with your
updated profile and best time to reach at the earliest.

*send me resume to swap...@systelinc.com <swap...@systelinc.com>*

*Position: Hadoop Consultant with HAWQ *

*Location: NYC, NY*

*Duration: 6 Months +*

******************Very Urgent****************


·         Configure parameters for best cluster performance

·         Install and implement security policies for the cluster

·         Maintain and monitor the cluster

·         Load Data in Cluster

·         Create Unix scripts for managing Hadoop cluster

·         Troubleshoot and fix issues

·         Hadoop batch Workflow Management

·         Performance and memory tuning

·         Collaboration and coordination with onsite stakeholders from
NBCU's IT as well as business groups


·         Physical Unix Side Cluster (Maintaining and Installing OS /
Pivotal HD, Removing Node, Reconfiguring Hadoop Cluster, Pivotal HD
failover Implementation, Patches/Upgrade)

·         HAWQ Administration (HAWQ DBA Role, Manage HAWQ Space, Maintain
Hawq data/ Performance, HAWQ Failover Implementation, Administer fallback
and provide periodic report on failback tables, Patches/Upgrades)

·         HAWQ Interfaces (Admin, Installation & Configuration), Micro
Strategy / Tableu Interface, HAWQ Access User IDs & Roles, New Software
Access, Chorus Workspaces/Analysis)

·         Pivotal HD / Hadoop Tools ( (a) Installation and configuration of
Hive, Pig, Mahout, Chorus Trifacta,Datameter,Platfora (b) Analysis of Hive,
Pig, Mahout (c) Admin support for all above and related Pivotal HD/
Bigdata/Hadoop Tools)

·         User Setup (Creating Unix Users, Pivotal HD Setup for user
Access, HAWQ Users and Permissions, connection to other tools)

Thanks & Regards

Swapna V
Resourcing Specialist
Phone:678 250 9845

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