A WA Informática busca profissionais com perfil acima para atuar em
Multinacional localizada na região do ABC Paulista. Segue
conhecimentos solicitados:
Dominio de Ingles  (escrita/leitura/Fala)
Desejavel :
Dominio de Espanhol (excrita/leitura/Fala)

Conhecimentos Técnicos:

ORACLE & SYBASE: System Database Administrator (SDBA)
Bank Reconciliation Application (Oracle) under Wintel Server in all
the countries plus the ILAB: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,
Mexico and Venezuela.
Develops and tests the backup and restore process for the DBMS System
Develop and maintain DBMS System backup and restore processes
Verify effectiveness of restores on DBMS System
Performance and Capacity Management
Determine, monitor and modify DBMS File characteristics
Determine, monitor and modify DBMS Tablespace characteristics
Modify Application Tablespace characteristics (except in the AS/400
environment where this is a DBA responsibility)
Installation, Upgrade and Maintenance
Configure and install DBMS System excluding Application Objects
Upgrade the DBMS System using supplier provided processes
DBMS System disk configuration and maintenance (e.g., slicing,
DBMS Files, DBMS Tablespace and Application Tablespace creation and
Create, maintain and execute DBMS System startup/shutdown scripts and
Verify effectiveness of changes on DBMS Files and DBMS Tablespaces
Primary interface with operations for DBMS System support and
Primary interface for problems or shortcomings in the DBMS System
that require interaction with the product supplier (e.g.,  utilities,
program products)
Provide high-level technical support to DBA
Create and maintain DBA user-ids with DBA security in the DBMS System
Create and maintain security to prevent modification of the DBMS
Files, DBMS Tablespaces and Application Tablespaces by anyone other
than the SDBA

Horario de trabalho : escala 12 X 36 ou em turnos
Local de trabalho inicial : ABC
Forma de contratação: CLT
Valor: Á combinar + Beneficios

Interessados favor encaminhar cv's para [EMAIL PROTECTED] colocando no
assunto DBA ORACLE e no corpo da mensagem a pretensão de valor como

Atenção! As mensagens deste grupo são de acesso público e de inteira responsabilidade de seus remetentes.
Acesse: http://www.mail-archive.com/oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br/

Este Grupo recebe o apoio da SQL Magazine - www.devmedia.com.br/sqlmagazine
O grupo Oracle_br não aceita anexos. Quando oferecer algum arquivo, tenha o link do mesmo para evitar trafego(pedidos) desnecessário.

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