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Oracle SQL Developer vs. Toad: Users speak out

A recent article that compared the latest version of
Oracle's free SQL Developer tool with Quest Software Inc.'s
popular Toad for Oracle software triggered an avalanche of emails from
database developers eager to voice their opinions on which SQL and PL/SQL
editing and debugging tool is best.  A few named Oracle's relatively
new SQL Developer as their tool of choice while several picked Toad.
Others preferred different developer tools altogether. In particular,
Allround Automations' PL/SQL Developer got some rave reviews. But in
the midst of all the differing opinions, developers seemed to agree on one
thing: When it comes to features and functionality, you get what you pay
for.     SQL Developer disappointing to some
SQL Developer was unveiled last March, and Oracle says the tool has been
downloaded over 390,000 times since. Developers familiar with version 1.0
said that, like many free tools, SQL Developer lacks the robust set of
capabilities found in competing for-a-fee SQL editors. Others, like
developer Shelby Spradling, principal of Spradling Consulting, say that
even though they're happy to have a SQL editor that is optimized for
use with Oracle products, SQL Developer still isn't ready for prime
time.  Spradling said that she recently compiled a PL/SQL package with
only a few warnings from SQL Developer. She soon realized, when she tried
to execute the package and it went into an invalid state, that SQL
Developer had failed to pick up on a number of other errors. The
consultant found the remaining errors only after copying the PL/SQL
procedure into Oracle's SQL*Plus tool. While I love being
able to finally step through PL/SQL code with an Oracle product,
I'll truly start to enjoy using this product in five years when they
get it working, Spradling said.Until then, Textpad and
SQL*Plus are about the quickest way given my particular
constraints.  But not everyone is as disappointed as Spradling.
Alex Rodriguez, a senior accounting analyst with UPS Freight, said SQL
Developer suits his needs just fine. He says he switched to SQL Developer
from Toad because it's free, it offers everything he needs to debug
SQL and PL/SQL subprograms, and, because it's an Oracle product,
it's prone to reflect new Oracle feature updates well before
third-party competitors.  Toad seen as pricey but effective
Toad for Oracle is offered in both a slimmed-down free version and a
considerably more robust version that doesn't come cheap, according
to developers.  Independent contractor and software developer Nick Gekas
is a big fan of the full-featured Toad for Oracle despite the cost. He
says the main benefits of Toad include its function key capabilities,
which show pop-up lists of tables or columns, and its powerful PL/SQL
debugger. Gekas also likes that Toad can export SQL output in several
formats and gives users the opportunity to arrange screen layouts to their
preferred liking. He added that creating and maintaining objects is also a
simple process with Toad. [Toad] is very expensive, Gekas
said,so I switch around between Toad and SQL Developer depending
[on whether] my clients have a Toad license.  James R. Bower, an
Oracle database administrator with FiberMark North America Inc. in West
Springfield, Mass., agrees that for-a-fee Toad is a very full-featured
 and very expensive  product. I find myself
recommending Allround Automations' PL/SQL Developer to any users
that do not require all of the bells and whistles of Toad, or who cannot
fit Toad into their budget, Bower said.Obviously, free Toad
is priced right, but it is not nearly the product that PL/SQL Developer
is.  PL/SQL Developer: An unsung hero?
Allround Automations' PL/SQL Developer is a solid product
that's not too pricey and not too heavy on the extra features,
according to several developers writing in to   Some,
like Alan Kirchoff, a senior Oracle developer with Corporate Lodging
Consultants Inc., believe that PL/SQL Developer is actually superior to
the more fully featured Toad. A tool that never gets much
recognition is PL/SQL Developer, Kirchoff said.Toad locks
up on me way too often and sometimes it doesn't behave as if
it's truly threaded  and yes, I checked all the
options.  Kirchoff says he likes PL/SQL Developer because it rarely
locks up. But if it does, it prompts the user to load a rescue file the
next time it starts up, he said. The Oracle developer is also a fan of
PL/SQL Developer's program windows, which highlight important
variables and sections of code.  PL/SQL developer also offers a
great object browser with editable filters, a side-by-side
tool that allows users to compare database instances, the ability to
compile all invalid objects with one click of the mouse, and a useful
explain plan tool that automatically parses results, according to Mark S.
Jacobs, a senior programmer with Johns Hopkins University's Applied
Physics Laboratory. The programmer adds that Allround Automations'
support team is second to none. I always get a reply the same day,
and they have included fixes in the next release at my request,
Jacobs said.  Honorable mentions
The list of SQL and PL/SQL editing and debugging tools is lengthy to say
the least. Lesser-known tools developers wrote about included
Embarcadero's DBArtisan and Benthic Software's Golden and
Goldview tools. I've always liked Embarcadero's
DBArtisan best of all, said developer David Bailey.It has
equivalent capabilities to Quest's Toad, but best of all it is
multi-platform.  The fact that DBArtisan is multi-platform means
that Bailey can work with Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase or IBM DB2,
but he only has to learn one interface.  Developer Gene Gotimer says he
doesn't need all of Toad's features, and therefore opted for
Benthics Golden and Goldview software. Toad might be great if
you're a DBA or need a does-everything-and-then-some tool,
Gotimer said.But for a developer that only occasionally needs to
play with the database, Golden and Goldview are easier, quicker and

On 2/13/07, Anderson Goulart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Já deram uma olhada no Oracle SQL Developer?
> Esta bastante interessante, sem contar que já vem alguns reports bem
> interessante.
> Em 13/02/07, Bruno Lorenzini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<>>
> escreveu:
> >
> > O TOAD ROX!!!
> >
> > Mas se você tiver problema de orçamento com lincenças vc pode dar uma
> > olhada
> > no PL/SQL Developr que é uma ótima ferramento... + meu amigo, se puser
> > usar
> > o TOAD, use! Não tem ferramenta melhor do que ele no mercado!
> >
> > Sds,
> >
> > On 2/13/07, Alexandre Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<>
> <>>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Você pode experimentar o TOAD da Quest, é muito bom e amigável, mostra
> o
> > > plano de execução e também dá a possibilidade de matar as queries em
> > > execução.
> > >
> > > Att.
> > >
> > > Alexandre
> > >
> > > Em 12/02/07, Consulting - Tecnico <[EMAIL 
> > > PROTECTED]<>
> <>
> > <>>
> > > escreveu:
> > > >
> > > > Rodrigo,
> > > >
> > > > Vc já usou o OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) ? Ele faz isso.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Edson Almeida Junior
> > > > Consulting Tecnologia & Sistemas Ltda
> > > > Telefones: (081) 3088-9221 / Celular (081) 9922-7401
> > > > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > > > <><><edson%40consulti
> >>>
> > > > <><><edson%40consulti
> >>
> > > > MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> <>
> <>
> > <>
> > > >
> > > > VISITE: http:// <blocked::>
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > _____
> > > >
> > > > De: 
> > > > <><oracle_br%40yahoog
> >><oracle_br%40yahoog
> > >> [mailto:
> > > > 
> > > > <><oracle_br%40yahoog
> >><oracle_br%40yahoog
> > >>] Em
> > > > nome de Digao
> > > > Enviada em: segunda-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2007 15:43
> > > > Para: 
> > > > <><oracle_br%40yahoog
> >><oracle_br%40yahoog
> > >>
> > > > Assunto: [oracle_br] Sofware para administracao Oracle
> > > >
> > > > Olá pessoal, tudo bem?
> > > >
> > > > Alguém sabe de algum sistema no qual eu consiga ver as querys em
> > > execução,
> > > > e
> > > > também que eu consiga matar algumas querys?
> > > > Seria um software administrativo... Eu utilizo o 'Sql Developer',
> mas
> > > além
> > > > dele ser muito lento e dar muitos paus, ele não tem essa
> > funcionalidade.
> > > > pelo menos eu não achei.
> > > >
> > > > Outra coisa, eu terei que setar alguma variável? No postgreSQL, para
> > que
> > > > eu
> > > > tenha acesso a essas informações, preciso setar uma variável no
> > arquivo
> > > de
> > > > configuração. No oracle eu preciso setar alguma coisa?
> > > >
> > > > Obrigado a todos.
> > > >
> > > > Abraços
> > > > ----------------------------
> > > > Rodrigo (Digao)
> > > >
> > > > ---------------------------------
> > > > Novidade no Yahoo! Mail: receba alertas de novas mensagens no seu
> > > celular.
> > > > Registre seu aparelho agora!
> > > >
> > > > [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
> > > >
> > > > [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Atenciosamente,
> > >
> > > Alexandre T. Rodrigues .·.
> > > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> <atrodrigues%
>> <atrodrigues%
> >>
> > >
> > > [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Anderson Goulart CornelioTel.: (21)2796-5407 / (21)8713-4739
> " Moro no Brasil
> Não sei se moro muito bem ou muito mal
> Só sei que agora faço parte do país
> Inteligência é fundamental"
> Seu Jorge
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