Recapitulando, vc já tem:
3 provas (sql, oca, ocp)
1 curso oficial do 10g (se o curso foi do 9i eles provavelmente nao aceitaram)
Entao falta entrar no 
site e
 procurar o topico "How do I submit the form?"
Ele sera mais ou menos assim:

The form may be submitted at any time in your certification path, after you 
completed the training requirement. However, you will only receive the 
certification success kit once all certification requirements have been met.

View a tutorial on how to submit the form 

Step 1: Determine if you have completed the required training from the chart 
Step 2: Gather the following information you will need to complete the Course 
Submission Form.
        * Your Oracle Testing ID (found on all Oracle exam score reports).
        * Your registration confirmation email from Oracle University for your 
course(s). If you don’t have your course confirmation email, you will need your 
hands-on course information: Course Title, Course Date and Course Location and 
Course Facility Name (the name of the company or institute where you completed 
your hands-on course).
Step 3: Go to
Step 4: Select Submit Course Form from the navigation buttons on the right. 
Either sign in (if you already have an account) or create a new web account if 
this is your first visit. You will need to provide your Oracle Testing ID and 
your correct mailing and email address during the setup of your new account.
Step 5: Complete the requirement form and submit.
        * If you are following a certification path that requires completion 
two or 
more courses, you will need to submit a form for each course. OCM candidates 
will always need to submit 3 forms.
        * Complete the appropriate Course Submission Form only AFTER you have 
your approved hands-on course(s).

Em resumo, vc entra na pearson vue, se cadastra para mais uma prova (nao 
se assustar, essa prova ou hands on é gratis) que é o hands on, ela serve 
para vc cadastrar os dados do curso que vc fez em 2005 (Nome da Escola, Cidade, 
Nome do Professor, Data de Inicio e fim do curso), depois de 1 mes (mais ou 
menos) eles te respondem dizendo se aceitam ou nao o seu curso, se aceita, dai 
sim vc é ocp, caso contrario tera que fazer outro curso e enviar o hands on 

De: "" <>
Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 8 de Abril de 2011 18:14:32
Assunto: RES: [oracle_br] Certificação OCP

Olá Raul tudo bem?

Então fiz a prova ontem, passei.

Agora é correr para estudar mais um monte de coisas... eheheheh



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