Ednilson, PMFJI mas pelo que entendo a sua situação em princípio ***** Não Tem 
***** a ver com erros, então logicamente a tua supressão de erros Não Foi nada 
eficaz, okdoc ? Cito o manualzão Oracle de Concepts, no apêndice B - 
Information on Deprecated Features :


The PARTLY REMOVE_AVAILABLE and NEEDS RECOVERY states are very similar. A 
rollback segment in either state usually contains data from an unresolved 

    A PARTLY REMOVE_AVAILABLE rollback segment is being used by an in-doubt 
distributed transaction that cannot be resolved because of a network failure. A 
NEEDS RECOVERY rollback segment is being used by a transaction (local or 
distributed) that cannot be resolved because of a local media failure, such as 
a missing or corrupted datafile, or is itself corrupted.
    Oracle or a database administrator can bring a PARTLY REMOVE_AVAILABLE 
rollback segment online. In contrast, you must take a NEEDS RECOVERY rollback 
segment OFFLINE before it can be brought online. (If you recover the database 
and thereby resolve the transaction, then Oracle automatically changes the 
state of the NEEDS RECOVERY rollback segment to OFFLINE.)
    A database administrator can drop a NEEDS RECOVERY rollback segment. (This 
lets the database administrator drop corrupted segments.) A PARTLY 
REMOVE_AVAILABLE segment cannot be dropped. You must first resolve the in-doubt 
transaction, either automatically by the RECO process or manually.

If you bring a PARTLY REMOVE_AVAILABLE rollback segment online (by a statement 
or during instance startup), then Oracle can use it for new transactions. 
However, the in-doubt transaction still holds some of its transaction table 
entries, so the number of new transactions that can use the rollback segment is 

Until you resolve the in-doubt transaction, the transaction continues to hold 
the extents it acquired in the rollback segment, preventing other transactions 
from using them. Thus, the rollback segment may need to acquire new extents for 
the active transactions, and therefore grow. To prevent the rollback segment 
from growing, a database administrator can create a new rollback segment for 
transactions to use until the in-doubt transaction is resolved, rather than 
bring the PARTLY REMOVE_AVAILABLE segment online.

okdoc ?? Então, pelo que entendo, OU vc tem transações pendentes (sejam 
remotas, sejam locais) que precisam ser descobertas e encerradas, OU então vc 
está enfrentando uma corrupção de transação aí, talvez até mesmo com rollback 
Começa pela mais simples , consultando DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS, GV$TRANSACION, 
x$ktuxe, etc 
 tem um caso-exemplo para a x$, e as demais são documentadas), e tenta 
localizar a tal transação... CASO vc não localize nem aqui no banco local NEM 
nos bancos remotos eventualmente referenciados nenhuma transação, aí vc vai 
começar a pensar em corrupção na informação de transação, e (OBVIAMENTE) antes 
de sequer começar a pensar em aplicar os recursos comuns a essa situação (como 
e/ou mesmo a _corrupted_rollback_segments , CONFIRME que vc tem backup OK , e 
Abra um Chamado no Suporte Oracle...


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