Calma gente .. tem desenvolvedor na lista (eu) que gosta de escrever
queries com qualidade (pelo menos tento).


2014-02-17 20:14 GMT-03:00 Roland Martins <>:

> Rapaz, o que vemos por aí é a mesma coisa: o desenvolvedor escreve, quem
> "tuna" é o DBA. Visão errada esta, vários desenvolvedores sabem ler um
> plano, questionar estatísticas - de objetos e de sistema, histogramas,
> influenciar o CBO com hints, mas a qualidade de muitos desenvolvedores é
> bem ruim (eles ficam ali, escrevendo queries, mexendo nos celulares, sites
> de compras, viagens internacionais... e o desempenho da query ? Ah, a gente
> manda pros DBAs, aos 47 do segundo tempo, eles resolvem - e nem sempre do
> melhor jeito), isso quando o problema já não aparece direto em produção
> (tem lugares que funciona assim, todos sabemos) e aí é você que tem o
> pepino pra descascar.
> Mas, como diz aquele provérbio chinês, é melhor acender uma vela que
> queixar-se da escuridão.
> Chiappa está correto. Adiciono o que diz Thomas Kyte (na época do 8i
> Release 3, mas ainda atual):
> "Here is a short extract from a book I am working on.  The short answer is
> if you want a 10 step guide to tuning a query, buy a piece of software.
> You are not needed in this process, anyone can put a query in, get a query
> out and run it to see if it is faster.
> There are tons of these tools on the market.  They work using rules
> (heuristics) and can tune maybe 1% of the problem queries out there.  They
> APPEAR to be able to tune a much larger percent but that is only because
> the people using these tools never look at the outcome -- hence they
> continue to make the same basic mistakes over and over and over.
> If you want to really be aboe to tune the other 99% of the queries out
> there, knowledge of lots of stuff -- physical storage mechanisms, access
> paths, how the optimizer works - thats the only way.
> of course, read:
> from cover to cover and
> as well
> 1.1 Efficient SQL
> This was probably the hardest part of the book to write - this chapter.
>  That is not because the material is all that complex, rather because I
> know what people want - and I know what can be delivered.  What people
> want:  The 10 step process by which you can tune any query.  What can be
> delivered:  Knowledge about how queries are processed, knowledge you can
> use and apply day to day as you develop them.
> Think about it for a moment.  If there were a 10 step or even 1,000,000
> step process by which any query can be tuned (or even X% of queries for
> that matter), we would write a program to do it.  Oh don't get me wrong,
> there are many programs that actually try to do this - Oracle Enterprise
> Manager with its tuning pack, SQL Navigator and others.  What they do is
> primarily recommend indexing schemes to tune a query, suggest materialized
> views, offer to add hints to the query to try other access plans.  They
> show you different query plans for the same statement and allow you to pick
> one.  They offer "rules of thumb" (what I generally call ROT since the
> acronym and the word is maps to are so appropriate for each other) SQL
> optimizations - which if they were universally applicable - the optimizer
> would do it as a matter of fact.  In fact, the cost based optimizer does
> that already - it rewrites our queries all of the time.  These tuning tools
> use a very limited set of rules that sometimes can suggest that index or
> set of indexes you really should have thought of during your design.
> I'll close this idea out with this thought - if there were an N step
> process to tuning a query, to writing efficient SQL - the optimizer would
> incorporate it all and we would not be having a discussion about this topic
> at all.  It is like the search for the holy grail - maybe someday the
> software will be sophisticated enough to be perfect in this regards, it
> will be able to take our SQL, understand the question being asked and
> process the question - rather then syntax.
> To me - writing efficient SQL requires a couple of things:
> o    Knowledge of the physical organization of what I'm asked to query
> against.  That is - the schema.  Knowledge that the physical organization
> was actually designed in order to help me answer my frequently asked
> questions (refer back to the chapter on designing an efficient schema for
> advice in that arena)
> o    Knowledge of what the database is capable of doing.  If I did not
> know about "skip scan indexes" and what they did (we'll cover them below) -
> I might look at a schema and say "ah hah, we are missing an index" when in
> fact we are not.
> o    Knowledge of all of the intricacies of SQL - from the lowly "WHERE"
> clause on up to analytics and psuedo columns.  Knowledge of what using a
> particular construct will do to my runtime processing.
> o    And most importantly of all - a solid understanding of the goal, of
> what the
> question is.  Tuning a query or process is really hard (impossible I would
> say) - unless you understand the question in the first place.  I cannot
> tell you how many times I've not been able to tune a query until I had the
> question in hand.  Certainly you can derive a question from a query -
> however, many times that derived question is much more confining then the
> real question being asked.  For example, many people use outer joins in all
> queries - they are "afraid" of losing a row (perhaps they got "burned" in
> some past experience and now use outer joins everywhere).  If the objects
> are related in a one
> to one mandatory fashion - we don't need an outer join at all.  The
> question derived from the query is much more confining then reality.
> That last topic or point is so important, I'll close out this section with
> it. In this
> chapter we'll cover the topics of what the database is capable of doing in
> general - looking at many of the access paths and join operations available
> to us.  We'll look at what SQL is capable of doing - not by discussing the
> entire language, that in itself is a book.  Rather, we'll look at a couple
> of things that will whet you appetite - show you how powerful this language
> can be, how much more than just "SELECT" "FROM" "WHERE" and  "ORDER BY"
> there is.  Then we'll close up with a look at that most important topic -
> why understanding the question is more important then having a query at
> hand to tune.
> So, this section will not provide you with the N steps you need to follow
> in order to tune a query or write the best queries in the world.  For every
> rule of thumb out there anyone has ever shown me regarding writing
> "efficient SQL", I've been able to come up with a slew of common (not
> esoteric) counter cases to prove that rule of thumb is wrong in as many
> cases as it is right.  I've talked to people who swear "NOT IN" is fatal,
> never use it - always use NOT EXISTS.  Then I show them NOT IN running a
> query 10 times faster then NOT EXISTS.   I talk with people who feel NOT
> EXISTS is the worst construct on the planet - you must use IN.  Then I do
> the same - showing them how NOT EXISTS can
> run many times faster then IN.
> .....
> "
>   Em Segunda-feira, 17 de Fevereiro de 2014 19:24, ""
> <> escreveu:
>    Bem, eu conheço dois tipos principais de ferramentas que ajudam em
> desenvolvimento de SQL : IDEs que listam quais são os campos indexados,
> mostram tamanhos de tabelas e coisinhas do tipo , visando evitar
> esquecimentos e erros principalmente na hora de se escrever os filtros,
> mostram o plano de execução em forma gráfica  (
> e
> são exemplos, mas
> certamente existem n+1 outras), e tools que tentam analisar o plano de
> execução e dar sugestões (como
> , os diversos Advisors
> dentro do database - no caso principalmente o SQL Advisor - que normalmente
> exigem Packs licenciados extras)....
>   Essas tools podem ser de ajuda, sem dúvida, mas vc tem que ter em mente
> que ** NENHUMA ** delas é restritiva, ie : se depois de mostrar os campos
> indexados, ou avisar sobre tamanhos, ou mostrar um plano ineficiente o
> usuário/desenvolvedor INSISTIR em prosseguir, OBVIAMENTE a tool não fará
> nadica de nada, sim ???? Então vc é que vai fazer uma análise de
> custoxbenefício pra ver se os custos desse "ajutório" pros desenvolvedores
> se justificam....
>   IMHO o ** único ** caminho garantido para se obter uma melhoria FIRME na
> qualidade dos SQLs é claro : Obrigatoriamente antes de entrar em produção,
> o desenvolvedor de todo e qualquer SQL TEM que apresentar provas de
> qualidade do SQL - nisso entraria tanto a execução do SQL num ambiente de
> HOMOLOGAÇÂO ** decente **, o mais próximo possível à produção  (executar o
> SQL  num banco teste ou desenv, onde tipicamente tem poucas centenas de
> linhas nas tabelas e dois ou três gatos-pingados concorrendo é ÓBVIO que
> não serve), quanto  poderia se obter o plano de execução extendido (veja
> ) e estabelecer
> limites tipo rejeitar sumariamente planos com steps retornando mais que x
> linhas (baseie-se  na sua experiência do ambiente para implementar um bom
> valor para x), e/ou rejeitar planos que façam scan nas tabelas x, y ou z
> que vc (por experiência no ambiente, mais uma vez) sabe que são muito
> grandes e/ou muito acessadas, e/ou use mais que uma partição, digamos, num
> ambiente DW... É por aí, é vc ** IMPOR ** regras e limites, EXIGIR um
> mínimo de qualidade, senão simplesmente vc não alcança nadica de nada....
>   Óbvio, vc VAI dar as tools que puder, vai automatizar/simplificar/GUIzar
> o processo de obtenção das evidências de qualidade o mais possível pros
> teus desenvolvedores, VAi dar treinamento interno pra eles, ok, mas um **
> mínimo esforço ** por parte deles é condição sine qua non, okdoc ?
>    []s
>      Chiappa

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