Vitor, eu enviei o plano de execução em anexo.

2015-07-08 9:33 GMT-03:00 Vitor Junior [oracle_br] <>:

> Bom dia.
> Orfeu, sem conhecer as tabelas envolvidas, plano de execução e pelo menos
> um trace, suspeito que ninguém vai conseguir te ajudar aqui... hehehe
> Att,/Regards,
> Vitor Jr.
> Infraestrutura / Infrastructure Team
> Oracle 11g DBA Certified Professional - OCP
> Oracle Certified Expert, Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g and Grid
> Infrastructure Administrator - OCE
> Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert - OCE
> Oracle Exadata 11g Certified Implementation Specialist
> Oracle Certified Associate, MySQL 5
> mail, gtalk e msn:
> skype: vjunior1981
> 2015-07-08 9:26 GMT-03:00 Orfeu Lima [oracle_br] <
>> bom dia a todos.
>> O select abaixo está executando com um tempo de 20s, e gostaria de pedir a
>> ajuda para poder estar melhorando.
>> Segue abaixo o script e em anexo o plano de execução.
>> Obrigado.
>> select cd_terminal as "cd"
>> , cast(data_captura as timestamp) as "dataUltima"
>> , cast(data_adm as timestamp) as "dataFechamento"
>> , CASE tipoUltima WHEN 4 THEN 'SAIDA' ELSE 'ENTRADA' END as "fluxo"
>> , valorSaques as "valorSaques"
>> , valorRecargas as "valorRecargas"
>> , valorDepositos as "valorDepositos"
>> , totalSaques as "totalSaques"
>> , totalRecargas as "totalRecargas"
>> , totalDepositos as "totalDepositos"
>> , denominacoes as "denominacaoUltima"
>> , dados_adm as "denominacaoFechamento" from (
>> with r as (
>> select t.cd_terminal
>> , c.cd_tipo_transacao as tipo
>> , sum(t.valor) as valor
>> , count(*) as total
>> from transacao_siscap t, codigo_transacao c, (
>> select busca.terminal
>> , busca.tipo as tipoUltima
>> , busca.data_captura
>> , busca.denominacoes
>> , busca.data_adm
>> , busca.dados_adm
>> from (
>> select trn.cd_terminal as terminal, trn.*, adm.* from (
>> select ultima_adm.cd_terminal,
>> data_captura as data_adm,
>> dados_adm
>> from (
>> select adm.cd_terminal, nvl(max(id), 0) as id
>> from transacao_adm_siscap adm,
>> terminal atm
>> where adm.cd_terminal = atm.cd_terminal
>> and cd_proc = 310000
>> and atm.ativo = 1
>> group by adm.cd_terminal
>> ) ultima_adm, transacao_adm_siscap adm
>> where =
>> ) adm, (
>> select trn.cd_terminal, cod.cd_tipo_transacao as tipo
>> , trn.data_captura as data_captura
>> , e.denominacao_movimentada as denominacoes from (
>> select trn.cd_terminal, max(data_captura) as data_captura
>> from transacao_siscap trn, transacao_ext_siscap e, terminal atm
>> where trn.cd_terminal = atm.cd_terminal
>> and = e.transacao_id
>> and e.denominacao_movimentada is not null
>> and atm.ativo = 1
>> and cd_status in (03, 04, 05)
>> group by trn.cd_terminal
>> ) ultima, transacao_siscap trn, transacao_ext_siscap e,
>> codigo_transacao cod
>> where trn.cd_terminal = ultima.cd_terminal
>> and cod.cd_proc = trn.cd_proc
>> and ultima.data_captura = trn.data_captura
>> and = e.transacao_id
>> ) trn
>> where adm.cd_terminal = trn.cd_terminal
>> ) busca
>> ) busca1
>> where t.cd_proc = c.cd_proc
>> and t.cd_terminal = busca1.terminal
>> and t.data_captura between busca1.data_adm and busca1.data_captura
>> and t.cd_status IN ('03', '04', '05')
>> and c.cd_tipo_transacao in (7,4,2,13)
>> group by t.cd_terminal
>> , c.cd_tipo_transacao
>> ) select t.cd_terminal AS cd_terminal
>> , nvl((select valor from r where tipo = 4 and r.cd_terminal =
>> t.cd_terminal), 0) as valorSaques
>> , nvl((select valor from r where tipo = 7 and r.cd_terminal =
>> t.cd_terminal), 0)
>> +nvl((select valor from r where tipo = 13 and r.cd_terminal =
>> t.cd_terminal), 0) as valorRecargas
>> , nvl((select valor from r where tipo = 2 and r.cd_terminal =
>> t.cd_terminal), 0) as valorDepositos
>> , nvl((select total from r where tipo = 4 and r.cd_terminal =
>> t.cd_terminal), 0) as totalSaques
>> , nvl((select total from r where tipo = 7 and r.cd_terminal =
>> t.cd_terminal), 0)
>> +nvl((select total from r where tipo = 13 and r.cd_terminal =
>> t.cd_terminal), 0) as totalRecargas
>> , nvl((select total from r where tipo = 2 and r.cd_terminal =
>> t.cd_terminal), 0) as totalDepositos
>> from terminal t
>> where t.ativo = 1
>> ) busca2, (
>> select busca.terminal
>> , busca.tipoUltima
>> , busca.data_captura
>> , busca.denominacoes
>> , busca.data_adm
>> , busca.dados_adm
>> from (
>> select trn.cd_terminal as terminal, trn.cd_tipo_transacao as
>> tipoUltima, trn.*, adm.* from (
>> select ultima_adm.cd_terminal,
>> data_captura as data_adm,
>> dados_adm
>> from (
>> select adm.cd_terminal, nvl(max(id), 0) as id
>> from transacao_adm_siscap adm,
>> terminal atm
>> where adm.cd_terminal = atm.cd_terminal
>> and cd_proc = 310000
>> and atm.ativo = 1
>> group by adm.cd_terminal
>> ) ultima_adm, transacao_adm_siscap adm
>> where =
>> ) adm, (
>> select trn.cd_terminal
>> , c.cd_tipo_transacao
>> , trn.data_captura as data_captura
>> , e.denominacao_movimentada as denominacoes from (
>> select trn.cd_terminal, max(data_captura) as data_captura
>> from transacao_siscap trn, transacao_ext_siscap e, terminal atm
>> where trn.cd_terminal = atm.cd_terminal
>> and = e.transacao_id
>> and e.denominacao_movimentada is not null
>> and atm.ativo = 1
>> and cd_status in (03, 04, 05)
>> group by trn.cd_terminal
>> ) ultima, transacao_siscap trn, transacao_ext_siscap e,
>> codigo_transacao c
>> where trn.cd_terminal = ultima.cd_terminal
>> and trn.cd_proc = c.cd_proc
>> and ultima.data_captura = trn.data_captura
>> and = e.transacao_id
>> ) trn
>> where adm.cd_terminal = trn.cd_terminal
>> ) busca
>> ) busca3
>> where busca2.cd_terminal = busca3.terminal
>> [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]

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