Oracle EE Linux 6

Checando a consulta abaixo, foi verificado que último archive aplicado foi do 
dia 06/04, mas que em compensação foram recebidos todos os archives. ( O que 
aconceteceu nesse caso, é que existiu a adição de uma nova tablespace na 
produção e o parâmetro standby_file_management estava como MANUAL, 
consequentemente o standby nao criou a tablespace e o standby parou de aplicar, 
mas continou recebendo os archives da produção, realizando os backups e 
apagando os archives em disco)
LOGS             TIME---------------- ------------------Last applied  :  
06-APR-17:01:07:31Last received :  14-APR-17:03:01:57

    Thread Last Sequence Received  **Last Sequence Applied**   
Difference---------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------    
     1                 323820                **320312**       3508         2    
               1711                  1711          0

Alguns archives estão em backup na fita e outros estão em disco, conforme 
+FLASH/STANDBY/ARCHIVELOG2017_04_11/2017_04_12/2017_04_13/2017_04_14/  RMAN> 
Type Elapsed Time Completion Time------- ---------- ----------- ------------ 
-------------------14253   7.50G      SBT_TAPE    00:23:24     06/04/2017 
15:12:10        BP Key: 14253   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: NO  Tag: 
TAG20170406T123644        Handle: RMAN_AL__14446_1_940603726   Media: @aaab6
  List of Archived Logs in backup set 14253  Thrd Seq     Low SCN    Low Time   
         Next SCN   Next Time  ---- ------- ---------- ------------------- 
---------- ---------  1    320312  3940054443061 06/04/2017 01:07:31 
3940054530795 06/04/2017 01:10:45  1    320313  3940054530795 06/04/2017 
01:10:45 3940054578516 06/04/2017 01:12:21  1    320314  3940054578516 
06/04/2017 01:12:21 3940054584627 06/04/2017 01:12:44  1    320315  
3940054584627 06/04/2017 01:12:44 3940054590378 06/04/2017 01:13:12  1    
320316  3940054590378 06/04/2017 01:13:12 3940054595869 06/04/2017 01:13:44  1  
  320317  3940054595869 06/04/2017 01:13:44 3940054600753 06/04/2017 01:14:10
BS Key  Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time------- ---------- 
----------- ------------ -------------------14778   9.29G      SBT_TAPE    
00:29:59     14/04/2017 01:39:40        BP Key: 14778   Status: AVAILABLE  
Compressed: NO  Tag: TAG20170414T010940        Handle: 
RMAN_AL_14985_1_941245781   Media: @aaab6
  List of Archived Logs in backup set 14778  Thrd Seq     Low SCN    Low Time   
         Next SCN   Next Time  ---- ------- ---------- ------------------- 
---------- ---------  1    323773  3940814732761 14/04/2017 00:09:23 
3940814946818 14/04/2017 00:10:45  1    323774  3940814946818 14/04/2017 
00:10:45 3940815012259 14/04/2017 00:11:57  1    323775  3940815012259 
14/04/2017 00:11:57 3940815090888 14/04/2017 00:13:13  1    323776  
3940815090888 14/04/2017 00:13:13 3940815186248 14/04/2017 00:14:32  1    
323777  3940815186248 14/04/2017 00:14:32 3940815247715 14/04/2017 00:15:44  1  
  323778  3940815247715 14/04/2017 00:15:44 3940815377351 14/04/2017 00:16:59  
1    323779  3940815377351 14/04/2017 00:16:59 3940815446649 14/04/2017 
00:18:08  1    323780  3940815446649 14/04/2017 00:18:08 3940815485204 
14/04/2017 00:19:06  1    323781  3940815485204 14/04/2017 00:19:06 
3940815550196 14/04/2017 00:20:03  1    323782  3940815550196 14/04/2017 
00:20:03 3940815626653 14/04/2017 00:20:55  1    323783  3940815626653 
14/04/2017 00:20:55 3940815670450 14/04/2017 00:21:49  1    323784  
3940815670450 14/04/2017 00:21:49 3940815699775 14/04/2017 00:22:37  1    
323785  3940815699775 14/04/2017 00:22:37 3940815766143 14/04/2017 00:23:32  1  
  323786  3940815766143 14/04/2017 00:23:32 3940815804012 14/04/2017 00:24:29  
1    323787  3940815804012 14/04/2017 00:24:29 3940815853125 14/04/2017 
00:25:14  1    323788  3940815853125 14/04/2017 00:25:14 3940815908048 
14/04/2017 00:25:56  1    323789  3940815908048 14/04/2017 00:25:56 
3940815947781 14/04/2017 00:26:39  1    323790  3940815947781 14/04/2017 
00:26:39 3940815977518 14/04/2017 00:27:12  1    323791  3940815977518 
14/04/2017 00:27:12 3940816005791 14/04/2017 00:27:51  1    323792  
3940816005791 14/04/2017 00:27:51 3940816057310 14/04/2017 00:28:33    Percendo 
a lista de archives acima, percebe-se que a sequence **320312** (que foi a 
ultima aplicada pelo standby) foi gerada no dia 06/04, que foi o dia que o 
standby parou de aplicar os archives.
Para resolver o GAP, eu quis fazer o restore de todos os archives a partir da 
sequence 320312 para o disco,realizar o catalog, para o standby começar o 
recovery, porém não seguiu como planejado:  run{set archivelog destination to 
'ENV=(NB_ORA_SERV=xxx, NB_ORA_CLIENT=xxx)';restore archivelog from sequence 
320312 until sequence 323820;}
executing command: SET ARCHIVELOG DESTINATIONusing target database control file 
instead of recovery catalog
old RMAN configuration parameters:CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE 'SBT_TAPE' 
PARMS  'ENV=(NB_ORA_SERV=xxx, NB_ORA_CLIENT=xxx)';new RMAN configuration 
'ENV=(NB_ORA_SERV=xxx, NB_ORA_CLIENT=xxx)';new RMAN configuration parameters 
are successfully stored
Starting restore at 14/04/2017 03:55:16allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1channel 
ORA_DISK_1: SID=3 device type=DISKallocated channel: ORA_SBT_TAPE_1channel 
ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: SID=318 device type=SBT_TAPEchannel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: Veritas 
NetBackup for Oracle - Release 7.6 (2014070701)
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 320312 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320312.1307.941213433archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320313 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320313.2090.941213433archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320314 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320314.2732.941213433archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320315 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320315.2890.941214229archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320316 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320316.3357.941214231archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320317 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320317.3709.941213449archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320318 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320318.4592.941214591archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320319 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320319.4593.941214591archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320320 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320320.3989.941214249archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320321 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320321.4595.941214605archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320322 is already on disk as file 
+FLASH/xxx/archivelog/2017_04_13/thread_1_seq_320322.4596.941214605archived log 
for thread 1 with sequence 320323 is already on disk as file 
log for thread 1 with sequence 323820 is already on disk as file 
=============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============RMAN-00571: 
===========================================================RMAN-03002: failure 
of restore command at 04/14/2017 04:14:27

Até o momento não consegui resolver essa questão, estou pensando em fazer um 
incremental from scn no primary, mas gostaria de entender o motivo de não ter 
conseguido restaurar os meus archives que estão no backup.
a) Porque não consegui gerar os archives a partir da sequence 320312? A 
mensagem acima do RMAN, me diz que já existe no disco para o dia 2017_04_13, 
porém no "LIST BACKUP OF ARCHIVELOG..."  nós vimos que a sequence é do dia 
06/04, e não da mensagem acima do RMAN.
b) Como devo proceder para restaurar esses archives no disco para catalogar e o 
database começar a realizar a recuperação? 

  • [oracle_br] gap stand... Carlos Eduardo carloseduard...@yahoo.com [oracle_br]

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