Anybody want to go in for half of a 2lb bag of Banrot?
You'll get a pound of the stuff for about $45.
Super-powerful stuff for use on flasklings.

Description as such:
 Broad Spectrum Fungicide for control of damping off, root 
and stem diseases caused by pythium, phytophthora, 
rhizoctonia, fusarium and thielaviopsis in ornamental and 
nursery crops. Rate: Bedding plants 4-8 oz./100 gal. apply 
to 800 sq. ft. Container and bed grown 6-12 oz./100 gal. 
apply to 400 sq. ft. Irrigate immediately with additional 
water equal to at least half the volume of fungicide drench.

So has everybody gotten rid of that Netsky virus?
I highly suggest everyone use SecureBat and the
Anti-Vir Personal Edition plug-in. Works like a charm
and gets the stuff norton and mcafee misses.

Drop me a line.
Steve Topletz
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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