High All :)

Greetings to all of you from Athens, Greece.

This summer found me more active in my online shopping,
so I did buy some new orchids for my collection. Havent bought
anything alive thru the net so I am kind of anxious how the
beauties are going to experience the trip. Most of them will be
in dormant state so I suppose everything is okee.

I think I should ask a question with this first post of mine.
There is a Phal that I have, a hybrid (an 'Emperor Lee')
that reacts somewhat strange, as far as my
knowledge and experience goes - which isnt that far anyway!
lol lol :)

OK. So here goes the story. This is the second year having that
Phalaenopsis. The first year went alright having flowers for about
4 months. The second year bloomed in October and she kept
blooming until May. That is 8 months! I was quite surprised. Maximum
number of flowers she had simultaneously was 7. But then, the
climate in Athens is looney. Suddenly in late May, the Sun was so
hot that my dear Phal was kind of shocked. She threw away the flowers
and so I decided (dont know if I did well) to cut off the spike as lower
as possible and let the plant relax for the hot months that were coming.
So, in June, the plant showed 3 more leaves. Beautiful. Then, another,
4th leave appeared in the middle and everything stopped. The plant now
since then is still in a dormant state i suppose, because the roots that used
to be green, now appear grey. But a few days ago, I noticed that some roots
that used during the winter to be green and healthy, dont look grey now as of
protection, but they are completely dried out like... uhm... dead.

a) is it possible for the plant to be 'resting' more than a month now?
b) do you think I should clear the plant off the dead roots, or should i wait
for her to 'wake up'?


Minas N. Miliaras
Athens, Greece
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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