Hi All,
I had the same problems that Phal species grew poorly on any base 
that I used to mount Phal species on. Now since I'm using poystyrene
blocks coated with cement (see AOS ORCHIDS January 2003 Pg 12)
my species grow like wild. It is amazing to see how the roots attach
themselves, like glued on, to the cement. So far I mounted about 20 
differnet plants. I started with this in about April/May last year and 
I mounted small plants only, some were just one year out of flask
and now, one year later, I have flower spikes coming. The plaques
are misted or dipped in a bucket of water daily and fertilized once
every week.
The Pal. species that I mounted so far are: Phal. parishii, lindenii,
gibbosa, intermedia, lueddemanniana, bastianii, floresensis and 
pallens var. dentriculata. The other plants are hybrids and 
one Aerangis punctata. The next will be Sophronitis cernua.
Anyone who would like to know more, please ask on the
list or mail me directly.
Kind regards
Peter from Bloubergstrand
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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