At 08:17 PM 7/26/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>>I guess it depends on what woods are being "stripped". If it's<
>>private property with the owner's permission or their own<
>>property, then the removal of plants is perfectly legal in most <
>>states. <
>If these plants are still part of the Paph, Phrag, Selenipedium complex,
>then they are on CITES Appendix I and 
>wild collecting of them should be a violation of CITES as well as our ESA
>and the Lacey Act.

Cypripedium are not listed as App 1, even though there are many
rare true Cyps in China, and surrounding countries.

Whatever the case, local flora are protected by state law, and most
state laws allow collecting of wild plants on private property.  Of
course, I know you said this very "tongue-in-cheek", George.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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