There is a lot of discussion about this on other sites.  There is a lot of
unhappiness with the way AOS is spending our money.  There are questions
about allotments for conservation, education, the library, and other real
member-oriented services that are not being seen to, to the satisfaction of
many members.  The cost of the building, the use of the endowment funds, and
the investment in touristy come-ons in the headquarters building are being
questioned, also.  Everything that directly involves members and orchids is
going up, sharply.  Our dues, fees for shows, and fees for awards have gone
up, yet the core mission of the AOS is being ignored.  And their web page,
their face to the world, is not being maintained.  There are sites on the
web page that are inaccessible, or have not been updated for months or
years.  And, the forum keeps getting screwed up.

It seems to me that the AOS is getting very greedy, and I wonder if 
the Taj Mahal (aka the White Elephant) they are building is the 
underlying cause.  They sholud be careful that they don't price 
themselves out of the market.

Thoughts, anyone?

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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