Back where I come from, stray horns ran a real risk of being chopped off!
Don't you just love these anonymous (read cowardly) posters who haven't the
backbone to use their own name. Really they don't deserve a reply but I
can't resist. One of the beauties of being a thinking AOS member and not
running for any office, is the freedom to make comments on matters as I see
them in the orchid world. Because I am part of the orchid world and have
been a professional orchid grower for over 33 years, I've seen a few phonies
come and go and I am quite unafraid of the consequences of telling the
truth. I am very comfortable with criticizing the performance of the current
AOS Executive Vice President as I have had an opportunity to view him at
close range since July 2000. Believe me, he has been wishy washy in the
extreme and has neither the respect of his fellow officeholders nor the bulk
of the wider membership. His elevation to AOS Presidency was obviously seen
as potentially disastrous and the Nominating Committee took a courageous and
correct decision. All this will pass, "Dave Strayhorn" will disappear and
the AOS will move forward to serve all sectors of the world orchid

Andy Easton
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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