D.A Kochman commented:

"Color printing is expensive, and due to this (snip) the AOS have increased
the amount of membership the organization needs to continue operations.
Also to offset the cost of color printing, more and more space inside of the
magazine has become devoted to advertisements."

This statement, although frequently offered as an excuse (not just by the
AOS) is misleading. Colour printing is expensive, but the price of colour
printing has fallen by about 25-30% over the last 5 years. This has more
than offset the 10% increase in the price of paper over the same time.

Each year I am responsible for the production of several (non-orchid)
magazines. 5 years ago we could not afford full colour; about 15-20% of the
mag was in black-and white. Two years ago we went full-colour for the
first time and paid the printers about 5% less than the previous
year. This year we negotiated a further 8% reduction in printing costs,
again for a full-colour production. And this was for a low print-run ...
1500 copies. If you were printing tens of thousands, you'd be able to
negotiate a much bigger reduction in price. If you were to supply the
printers with fully-digital machine-ready originals, you could reduce your
print costs by 50% or more.

The reasons ?
(a) Introduction of digital technology has resulted in major savings, both
in manpower and materials.
(b) Large numbers of new print companies starting up, with not enough work
to go round. They're hungry.
(c) Globalisation. If your local company charges too much, get the job done
elsewhere, eg Malaysia or China.

Yes, I know individual situations vary from one place to another, and from
one publication to another, but there is no escaping the fact that the
worldwide trend over the last half-decade has been a steady, significant
reduction in print costs. If your society has not taken advantage of this,
then you should be directing some pertinant questions at whoever is in
charge of publications.

Peter O'Byrne
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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