Hello ODGers,

I would like to introduce a new orchid encyclopedia.

"The complete encyclopedia of orchids" was compiled by Zdenek Jezek from the
Czech Republik. It was issued by Rebo International from Lisse in The
Netherlands.  Originally it was written in Czech, but there are also English
and Dutch issues.

It's a hardcover book with 304 pages and some 680 pictures in color.
It gives an introduction to orchids in the first 30 pages, deals with
tropical orchids from page 32 up to 261 and deals with terrestrials from
page 262 up to 298.

The pictures are often a bit pale, but the flowers can be recognized easily.
I do not know how the English translation is, but in the Dutch version are
some rather odd mistakes.

But best of all: the price. I've bought the Dutch version for only 10 euro.
A friend of mine brought me the Czech version when he returned from a
holiday over there, and I had to pay only 12 euros for this book. The German
version is offered for 15 euros by several bookstores.

If you would like to order the English version, please contact:
Tel: 0044 116 275 9060

I do not know if the book is available in the USA, Canada, Australia or New
Zealand. If not please feel free to contact me off-group and I ask Rebo if I
can order it for you. No extra charges, you pay what I have to pay!!

Kind regards from The Netherlands,
Bert van Zuylen
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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