I had a fungus gnat problem in my smaller growing area and the droseras helped
out quite a bit.  So did drying out my pots more in between watering....but
the leaves of the droseras *were* loaded with fungus gnat bodies

Nick is right-- the pingiculas are cool, too.

On another note- I have two questions:

1. I am going to Costa Rica in January.  Any suggestions for good places to go
see orchids?

2.  I am really fascinated by the crystalline appearance of Macodes petiola
leaves.  Are there any search phrases that anyone could recommend so that I
can look up what biological resources are responsible for the shimmering?  All
the web sites that I see just re-iterate what I already know...which is that
they're beautiful.

Thanks folks,

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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