Did my Subject tweaked any - everyone's interest? None of what follows ---- or all of what follows ---- has to do with orchids. Disagree (on or off OGD) -- GO FOR IT - but before you 'blast' me please dump all terrible nationalistic/ethnic/just plain blind prejudices that I have seen in OGD over the past few years, read 5 times what I write [actually read what I write (too frequently it seems to me that 'flaming' happens when one doesn't really look for the philosophy/nuance of a response - don't lay on me what you think I am writing)], have a soothing glass of sherry, go to bed and then vengefully/wisely leap to your keyboards. I have tried to suggested/encourage 'philosophy in some of my previous comments but no one has chosen to jump in. Many blast a 'typo' but duck real problems. Come on - LIVE!!! What drives my comments?

--- Horrific 'Los Estados Unidos del Norte' American posturing/triumpalism, combined with

--- Horrific US election posturing by both sides,

--- Horrific AOS election posturing by both sides  (and)

--- Horrific 'Norris' --- CITES posturing by both sides. (It seems to me that he and others did break the law and my "legalistic' response is below.)

I think I propose a hugely/highly piled load of private philosophy./platitudes. I choose to call it Wisdom while some may choose to call it Male-Bovine Excrement. I am an ancient (68-year-old) cradle American Catholic. To make it even 'worse?' --- I am also a 'Military Brat' (Dad served for 31 years in the (US) Air Service of the Signal Corps, then Air Corps and finally Air Force) who, following a Notre Dame (du Lac) of South Bend, Indiana AB/ROTC degree, spent 20 years as an officer in the US Army (Korea & 'Nam). Yes, I was doubly brainwashed/trained to believe that my Pope/President speaks with 'Apostolic' Wisdom.' ----- every time he (no 'she' as yet but I do hope) burped, I bowed and solemnly proclaimed. "Ave." I retired from my service to the people of my country (and the world?) and went to a seminary and earned a MA in Religious Education. I 'gut' do believe that if someone breaks the law of her/his county/Church s/he must pay a price . BUT . it seems to me that most Catholics in Italy (surely not in the US) may have something approaching 'true' wisdom. I think I understand them to say, "The Pope 'spoke' but we know that 'Papa' was legalistically speaking to the (US) Americans and not us --- he was really giving us some general guidelines on how to live our lives." Is this the real wisdom on how to lives? Should we in the US wish/strive the same applied to CITES? Some may call me the 'Ugly American' or Un-Patriotic or ('horrors') not really Christian. Please believe that I do not mock nationalism, philosophy nor Belief. I am trying to communicate what I think is philosophical reality and generate actual considered and wise responses about CITES, AOS (and what-ever we choose to call the AOS philosophy/operations/dare I suggest habitat protection rather than ???, etc.), what seems to all of our general question/approach for protection of orchid growing areas ( -- is a specie in a pot equal to one in a tree -- more properly called "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?") and/or 'Is Miami the stupid/liberal/just/sneaky way to get a CITES(?) protected orchid into the US.'

Get a life.      People and the environment are dying.

Bottom line:

Can/will (US in particular and the world in general) society offer legislative(actual) morality and/or a totally just/comprehensive way to protect orchid plant/habitat? If one agrees 'No,' then what are we morally compelled to do? Dare I suggest --- Stop philosophical and moralistic crap --- do something.

Yes, I am again being obnoxious by rubbing the U.S. face in it. It is time the people of 'Los Estados Unidos del Norte' (us 'Gringos') stop the platitudes, stop the posturing and stop being the world's leading poisoner of the world's environment by using energy like it is a narcotic.

Cheers.   Jerry Fisher of Bluffton

Don't blame Jerry Fischer of Wisconsin. .. Jerry jump in if you are dumb enough. ..... I am living off the government (and your taxes) and can choose to be brave - having earned(?) it by my time in Korea and 'Nam.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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