With regard to my source of information  about orchid species extinction 
[Peter O'Byrne, OGD V6 #423 Message 6], it is  based on facts we all know.  If 
orchid fanciers find a given orchid species  of interest, entrepreneurs will 
propagate it artificially until all  desires are fulfilled. 
     My comments to the OGD are usually as  terse as I can manage.  It is 
conceivable that a given orchid species would  have a habitat unusual enough to 
make artificial propagation difficult, but  under such circumstances, 
collectors are unlikely to bother stripping it  from a limited habitat.  If an orchid 
is too uninteresting to prompt  artificial propagation, presumably it likewise 
won't be stripped from its  habitat.  If I chose to be more precise, I might 
have put it that no  orchid species is truly in danger of being rendered 
extinct by overcollection,  even if its natural habitat is stripped, unless 
counterproductive  restrictions such as CITES interfere with its artificial  
propagation.  Would you agree, Peter?
    With regard to considering the aggressive  posture of USF&WL as the 
source of Norris' problems rather than a routine  computer traffic monitor, I am 
suspicious if only for the situation involving  Pepe Portilla a couple of years 
ago.  The scuttlebutt is that a  USF&WL agent ordered 10 cycads of a variant 
of a Peruvian cycad that grows  in Columbia.  Pepe supplied the requested 
plants with CITES covering the  Peruvian variant, was nabbed in California and his 
life made  miserable.  This same USF&WL agent was caught trespassing Andy  
Phillips' nursery in California and, as told by Andy, was persuaded to  leave by 
means of a 2 x 4 piece of lumber.  If the damage to Norris was  truly done by 
a computer traffic monitor, are any of us safe?
    My sense of fairness is particularly  offended by attempts to tar the 
consciencious Miami Ag Inspection Facility with  the same brush more 
appropriately reserved for the USF&WL agency  and its handmaiden, the CITES convention.
          Bert  Pressman
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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