I guess I know as much about all this as anyone and I can tell you that George (nor 
Manuel) had anything to do with Kovachii...And believe you me I know plenty about that 
too...To tell the truth George was screwed all the way down the line.  SOMEONE sent 
him an Email offering Kovachii..Carnivore...the Patriot Act snoop on the 
internet..caught the name and used a partial piece of what they got to get a search 
warrant..never showing the last page where by George turned down the offer (As did a 
lot of us)  They searched his house and took away his computer and ten boxes of orders 
etc.  From that they found incriminating info as to changing plant names to get 
through the Ag insp.  The bit about Florida was just incidental...Houston is hell no 
matter what...Manuel skipped using names to get out on bail..None of them was guilty 
(at least then) of anything..but he needed to be sprung to flee.  George then was left 
hanging..The hope was to reduce charges to enable him to get a light sentence or 
probation..which SHOULD have been indicated...The judge was a hanging judge..all 
because of other things...I will not go into that..I believe Kovach got off with 
little or nothing to hurt him..So go figure..I have not yet heard as to a retrial..but 
that too is indicated..the thing is out of hand..People who have committed 
manslaughter have gotten lighter sentences...In my mind, though, this goes back to 
Carnivore and the Patriot Act...plus the conniving with the email to get the search 
papers under bogus facts...If you had half the paper trails that I have kept on this 
type of actions against us Orchid folk, you would agree...The CITES act..as written, 
is a farce and hurting a lot of people for no good reason...And it is enforced 
differently at every turn...I have enough stuff piled up to make Eric Hanson a 
terrific book...George made a mistake..no doubt of it..I would not thought it of 
him..but the penalty is out of line..I saw all the charges..many of them trumped up 
and exaggerated to a huge degree..I figure the judge just would not really go over all 
of it impartially...If he had it would have been a fine...Bill Bergstrom 

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