I was dismayed to see how many self  righteous OGDers would support the 
draconian sentence imposed on George  Norris and somewhat relieved that at least 
Steve Topletz and Eric Muehlbauer saw  fit to place the "crime" in a proper 
perspective.  Remember Dickens' "Les  Miserables," in which Jean Val Jean was 
sentenced to jail indefinitely for  stealing a loaf of bread for his family.  Who, 
among us,  has bothered to look over his shoulder in fear when doing 36 mph 
in a  35 mph zone?  I often place my trash at the curb prior to the mandated 6 
PM  of the day before trash pick up, without fearing prosecution.  Most of  us 
commit technical violations of selected laws with total lack of  concern.  
    George regarded his act, violation of a  counterproductive law, which is 
honored widely in its breach, in a similar  fashion.  His sentence was the 
result of the blind zeal of US  Fish&Wildlife, a judge who was totally 
unconcerned with the underlying  issues [I was at the sentencing hearing], and the 
modern technology of  surveillance.  
    The real issue is not simply whether George  broke the law, but rather 
what would have been an appropriate penalty for  his transgression.  Certainly 
not 17 months in jail. Roll  over, Dickens, Jean Val Jean has just stolen 
another loaf of  bread!
  Bert  Pressman
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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