> Can anyone advise if there's a product available in
> liquid form to combat (small) snails

Aahh.. the good old garlic snail. These were reeking a bit of havoc among
orchid growers earlier this year - they would gnaw away the root tips
causing the plant to not absorb enough water and the leaves on new growths
would turn yellow and fall off
There is a product I bought from Alan Merriman (Miriam Ann Orchids in
Glenbrook, Blue Mts) that I can't remember the name of. It was in liquid
form but I'm not sure how effective it is - not very from memeory as I
haven't used it for years. Some advocate repotting while ensuring there are
no snails remaining on the plant when you do. If you have a large collection
this is not practical.
Alan is the best person to talk to on this topic. His ph. no. (02) 4739 5141

There's also good info at

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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