I'm looking for 4 (recent) articles from the bulletin Richardiana and I was wondering if there are people among you that might have access to that bulletin and are willing to send me a scanned copy. The articles involved are the following:
Vol.IV(4), 163-170, 2004.
Une chausse-trappe linguistique: Phragmipedium caudatum, P. warszewiczianum, P. humboltii.
by Dr. Guido J. Braem & Sandy Ohlund.
Vol.IV(4), 171-196, 2004.
Le vrai Phragmipedium warszewiczianum pourrait-il se présenter, s'il vous plaît? Un nouveau cas d'identification erronée. Le complexe Phragmipedium caudatum, éclaircissement et description d'une nouvelle espèce.
by Dr. Guido J. Braem, Sandy Ohlund & Dr. Robert-Jan Quene.
Vol.IV(3), 89-102, 2004.
Phragmipedium kovachii, Schluckebieria - nouvelle section du genre Phragmipedium - et réflextions sur les pratiques taxinomiques.
by Dr. Guido J. Braem.
Vol.IV(2), 66-72, 2004.
Notes préliminaires sur la taxinomie de genre Phragmipedium.
by Dr. Guido J. Braem.
As you can see there have been some interesting taxonomical proposals for changes to the genus Phragmipedium, and I would like to know more about them.
Thank you for your time.
All the best,
        Rob Zuiderwijk
        E-Mail    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Website : PhragWeb - The Phragmipedium WebSite.
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