I try to avoid political discussion on this list, but I can't let this pass. I believe that most of the world would find this notion offensive. Indeed, perhaps it is this notion that has gotten the US government in trouble recently on a number of fronts. In my experience, most citizens of the world love their countries and don't want to leave them, although they may want to improve conditions there if possible. In my own travels, I have often been quite amazed at how much about the US and American politics taxi drivers know (much more, I might add, than the average American voter), and I've had some interesting and enlightening conversations with them. (Perhaps they listen to the BBC while waiting for "rides".) They, of course, have no voice in political decisions made half a world away from them that have the potential of greatlyl impacting their lives for good or ill.

Harvey Brenneise
In a grey and rainy Seattle

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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