In a message dated 12/13/04 3:11:14 PM, Julie writes:
Why would copepods drive ultras nuts? <(and those copepods that have the ultra-Orthodox in NYC in a tizzy). (Iris)

I don't think this will cause any flames. For the curious:
As most of you probably know already, shellfish are not kosher. Copepods are very tiny shellfish, some barely visible to the naked eye, some microscopic. I think they are related to those brine shrimp you feed your tropical fish. Copepods were recently discovered in the New York City water supply. They are perfectly harmless, and it would be impractical for the city to try to eliminate them. For mainline Orthodox Jews, they are not an issue, since they represent such a minuscule percentage of the food or water people are likely to ingest. However, for the Chassidim, or ultra-Orthodox Jews, it was quite a shock, since they interpret the copepods as making the water unkosher, or not fit to drink. The problem has been solved by installing water filters. In the Orthodox neighborhoods, the apartment houses have filters; elsewhere, people put filters on their water mains. The kosher restaurants & catering parlors advertise filtered water. The Culligan Man (well-known water treatment company) makes a lot of money. End of crisis.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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