Hi Uri.
I take the point of all the replys.
I am taking delivery of a flask of paphiopedilum rothschildianum next week, so will see how they grow.
One thing I learned from this exercise, was the time frame. Not the old idear of 15 to 20 years if you were lucky.
So hopefull I can let your all know how things go.
Say, about 4 to 15 years from now

Cheerio to all whom replyied and helped
Ron Boyd in rainy NSW (15mls)

Uri said
I have 3 different clones of roths (or at least from 3 differents
sources)35-40 cm leafspan, none of them has flowered yet, got one of them as
a 5cm seedling back in 1991. The third which I bought in 2000 from a nursery
in the uk is growing faster and is sending out a new growth.

The new growth indicates that the plant is "capable" of flowering.

And just for the record, I did a sibling of P. stonei in 97 and deflasked
late 98.
I kept 6 seedlings, 2 of them are developping flower sheats


Uri Baruk in France

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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